🎥 COVID, Harm & Injuries, Presentations, Vaccines

You’ve Been Jabbed - So, What Now? Is There Hope? | Expert Panel | NEASA


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More and more people are becoming aware of long-term health risks of the Covid-19 viral genetic “vaccinations”.

Dear friends: You are invited to a groundbreaking Zoom meeting on Wednesday 24 August 2022, from 18:00 to 20:30, to provide information on treatment of “vaccine” injuries and strengthening of immune resilience. Those who are unable to join the Zoom meeting may view the livestream on YouTube (see link details below for Zoom and YouTube).

The meeting is presented as a collaboration between the Health Awareness Group, NEASA, SA “Vaccine” Injury Medico-Legal Study Group and SAVAERS.

We have assembled a panel of pioneering experts who have studied methods of treating “vaccine” injuries, and who have implemented these methods with success. THERE IS HOPE!

The meeting will be chaired by Dr Herman Edeling, who will set the scene, introduce the speakers, and provide information about an SAVAERS database of healthcare practitioners.

Our expert panel includes: Dr Stephen Schmidt – Dr Frank Muller – Dr Stefanus Snyman – Dr Faan Oosthuizen – Dr Graige Golding – Dr Roy Breeds – Dr Anton Janse Van Rensburg – Dr Barbara Cawood – Dr Ivan Jardine – Dr Zandre Botha – Dr Leunis Van Rooyen – Dr Jackie Stone – Dr Estie Maritz – Dr Basie Oelofsen – Dr Robert Rapiti.

Each panellist will give a short presentation, after which questions will be answered in the remaining time.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOJvNGSH1G4

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  1. Thank you all so, so much for this presentation. It is wonderful to know that there is hope for the vaccinated. 2 of my siblings are fully vaccinated and 2, like me are not. I have 1 son fully vaccinated because of work mandates through Australian government and 1 not, who is now unemployed as a result. I fortunately, am retired after 40 years as a registered Nurse and with a science background had the sense to stay away from an mRNA based injection. So thank you one and all for making this information widely available.

  2. This is just a word of caution regarding safe protocols that should be used to prevent possible reactions/side effects from the jab and to point out that supplements created by scientists in a laboratory – even from “natural material” can be harmful and even worsen damage already done. When scientists in labs produce so called “natural supplements”, they do so by isolating constituents from natural plant material while removing them from buffers they are bound to in order to restructure them to something the body doesn’t recognize while turning them into so called “natural” vitamins and mineral supplements people buy and take thinking they are doing something good for their body. However, taking these can have the OPPOSITE from the desired result.

    Dr. Colin T Campbell, author of THE CHINA STUDY in a recent presentation illustrates this phenomenon using an 8 year study of smokers taking Beta-Carotene supplements . Some took man-made “natural” supplements and the others were consuming Beta-carotene rich fruit and vegetables.
    It also shows how eating a species appropriate diet and eating plants instead of animal products “…can inactivate the virus”. It also shows that vitamin and mineral supplements have been proven to “attenuate toxicity” in the body – which is the LAST thing you want to do if you have been jabbed.

    Dr. Morse frequently reminds us how with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and that by ingesting vitamins and minerals with constituents that have been separated and no longer bound to buffers the way they are in whole herbs, all we experience is stimulation (which makes us think the vitamin/minerals/chemical isolate supplement is working) but after the stimulation comes ENERVATION! Well Dr Colin Cambell (author ot THE CHINA STUDY) found in an 8 year study of smokers taking Beta-carotene supplements that the supplement actually “attenuated the toxins in the body” and INCREASED the cancer rate by nearly 20 percent compared to those smokers who were getting their Beta Carotene from food/plants who experienced a reduction in the incidences of cancer !

    When they realized what the supplements were doing to the study participants, they had to abruptly end the study. You will find this discussion at the 40 minute mark of his talk Dr. Campbell gave to The Vegetarian Society of Hawaii called “Why is Nutrtion Confusing for So Many?”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iduj0Y4v8CI

  3. I enjoyed some of the presentation, however, it contradicts what Dr. Morse promotes which is a high carb diet focused on fruits. Fruit is the very thing that God has given us and can cure disease. It is the combination of sugar and a high fat and high protein that causes insulin resistance. Eating a fruitarian diet with some mineral salts will help get rid of the fat in the liver and heal our toxic bodies. Fat and protein are the problem and some of what is discussed here promotes fruit fear. Fasting without adding fruit is detrimental to our adrenal glands and starves our brains.

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