Dr. Morse Q&A - Numbness, Pulmonary Vein Stenosis, Kidney Stones, Hiatal Hernia, Septic Arthritis and More #740


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00:00:00 - Intro - Handcrafted.Health
00:07:13 - Headaches - Numbness - Arm Weakness
00:20:45 - Pulmonary Vein Stenosis
00:32:29 - Kidney Stones
00:34:50 - Hiatal Hernia
00:45:05 - Melasma
00:48:44 - Mastectomy
00:59:59 - Bumps on Arms
01:08:30 - Septic Arthritis


00:07:13 - Headaches - Numbness - Arm Weakness
Over the past couple weeks I have noticed that I'm getting constant headaches and losing feeling in my left arm and leg.

00:20:45 - Pulmonary Vein Stenosis
Is there a natural way to open her left pulmonary vein?

00:32:29 - Kidney Stones
How to safely remove kidneys stones using natural remedies?

00:34:50 - Hiatal Hernia
My husband was diagnosed with hiatal hernia 35 years ago.

00:45:05 - Melasma
What would you recommend for removing hyperpigmentation on the facial skin, like melasma?

00:48:44 - Mastectomy
Best protocol for ensuring fluid near lung/chest wall doesn't turn cancerous?

00:59:59 - Bumps on Arms
l have heard that this could be a parasitic infestation?

01:08:30 - Septic Arthritis
I just want to know how can we treat this skin problem and what is it, really?

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  1. Thank you Dr. Morse for your response to my concerns for my 2 sons arm bumps. after researching a little but more on lipoma, my sons skin condition on the backs of their arms look to be more like keratosis pilaris. sorry I wasn’t as specific as I should have been, but these are tiny white and flesh colored bumps with more of a consistency of sand paper. not big at all. do you still believe I should work on their kidneys and adrenals as well as take a look at my pituitary? Thank you so very much again for taking your time out of your busy life to address my concerns.

    • Hi Matt,

      Due to the volume of questions we receive, Dr. Morse won’t be able to go over follow-up questions in a timely manner. So, if it’s urgent, we recommend using the search engine, booking a consultation, and/or joining our official Dr. Morse community groups (all links below).


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    • I have a problem with the fact that if you can afford it. I think health should and doesnt have to be expensive. It is all nature we are all creatures of the all, of the gods. Why is it that money has to decide if we get the help we need. I just dont understand this principal. If we stick to our feeling and stop thinking all duality will be gone and we will live in harmony and peace. to my regret i sense a feeling that people have to be able to pay your their health while nature is there for everybody, no discrimination. I am following dr morse for years and i have to say that my sympathy for this channel has changed from positive to questionable.

  2. Re: links&resources
    First link to “new youtube channel” is 404-not found.
    My personal take on the link hiding usage is that I can’t see what site I am clicking into. It might look “cool”, and I see that you can track with it (does jo.my = joturl?), but it puts me off. Whenever I may see it elsewhere, I completely ignore such links.

    Also, is there a way for me to delete a message here once posted.
    Thank you.

    • Hi ApplesPie,

      Thank you for notifying us of the broken YouTube link; it’s been corrected!

      We use Joturl (could be any other link shortener for that matter) mainly for tidying up the links. We have long domains and other URLs that make the resource tab messy if we don’t do it like this.

      Of course, it’s icing on top that we can monitor which links are being used so we know what to prioritize or get rid of.

      We’ll check on possibilities for adding the option to edit/delete your own comments. In any case, you can always request us to delete your comments.

  3. Ding dongs, white powered donuts, twinkies skiddles ugh tab soda yukk reces peanut butter cups yup been there , chocolate chip cookies 🍪 they fed us dryed powdered milk dried blood n surgar ninnies a wad of a towel full of white surgar , jack n box..Mac cheese oh velvetta cheese and miricalWHIp yukkk , tv dinners ,, what were they thinking we were so sick all the time,, I don’t think I eliminated for 14 years …

  4. What about a chronic, thyroid n ths swing’s .07 to 200 from hash to grave n been on glands n pharmacies meds 15 years ??

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! For everything. God bless you Dr. Morse. Let’s bring truth back to the world.


    • Aw, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Paul! We’re with you all the way on spreading truth and positivity. 🙌

  6. Thank you Dr. Morse for responding to my question regarding Pulmonary Vein Stenosis. I will be reaching out to your team shortly to schedule a consultation.

  7. Just wanted to drop a HUGE thank you to Dr. Morse and staff. I was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see 😉 amazing how simple this is once you hear it laid out as Dr. Morse does. I’m dealing with a GFR of 8-10%, a PSA that was 15.6, just doing the fruit diet for now, 2 months, but hoping soon to see you have your herbal formula’s ready as I need to get out of hellville and back into wellville and though the diet helps, my body really needs a boost and I’m sure you’re stuff is going to help me get my life moving in the right direction. Thanks again, love your video’s, don’t STOP, we need more and more people waking up and your message is simple and full of love, it’s the way health should be, not scary and full of big words we all associate with DEATH 🙁 if the words don’t kill us their MADaSIN will. With love and gratitude~ J

    • Joel, your message is a wonderful reminder of why Dr. Morse does what he does. keep shining, we’re sending love your way. ❤️🙌

  8. dr. Morse is my hero, and like with many others his information saved my life and i am on my way to getting better :).. have a small question, can u let me know how long can i take one herbal tincture for..mine one is for liver detox, and it helps me with seaweed iodine asimilation..i ve been taking it for few months now, and it was really helping me, i was feeling good..now weaning off it, i feel not so great..but am worried because i have no idea how long can i take plant tincture for..thank u for any help

    • Hi Olea!

      For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to Morses.TV, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask

      Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health

      ⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.


      If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:

      1) Our Health Center website: https://morseshealthcenter.com/

      2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner

      You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
      📞 +1 (941) 255-1970

  9. Thank you Dr. Morse for your time answering my question. I did not expect you will reply since you have a lot of followers. I am glad that nothing is impossible with nature’s remedies, they work wonders!

    • Carlos, we’re happy you took the time to reach out, and Dr. Morse is always honored to be of help. ❤️

  10. brother why are u tryng to get out weeds from your fruit trees or putting sand lol?? weeds are part of the ecosystem and are there to help u, i recomend highly checking out syntropic agroforestry or syntropic agriculture, the cretor of this technique, Ernst Gotsch in a talk in portugal says we are frugivore by nature and our ecofunction in the ecosystem is create and manage ecosystems creating tons of abundance.. the phyolosphy of this technique is very in tune with frutarianism, lov u sensei

  11. Never seen Morse go so long between posting a video. Hope everything is ok.
    We love you Morse and the beautiful team that makes it possible.
    Happy Halloween 🎃
    I remember one yr a team member dressed as Dr. Morse . Fun times!!!

    • Appreciate your love, Lottie! Everything’s peachy with Dr. Morse and the team, just busy behind the scenes with numerous projects (AND upcoming herbal formulas 😁).

      But we’re back on track soon, sending you hugs!

  12. I have had a Hiatal Hernia for around 10 years. I always took Omeprazole for the heartburn. I finally went on a plant based diet with fruit and vegetables and eliminated taking Omeprazole. I no longer have heartburn but now I am having issues with swallowing food. I have to be careful and chew my food many times and swallow only a little food at a time. It makes eating slow. I have even blended my veggies to a smooth consistency to make swallowing easier. Is there a cure for this? I love what you do to help people.

    • Hello Michael,

      Here’s some information that may help:


      Try searching for health topics you’re interested in hearing Dr. Morse’s responses to: https://search.morses.tv/


      For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to Morses.TV, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask

      Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health

      ⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.


      If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:

      1) Health Center website: https://morseshealthcenter.com/

      2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner

      You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
      📞 +1 (941) 255-1970


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