Dr. Morse Q&A - Dysbiosis, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Stroke, Rheumatoid Arthritis and More #751


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Toggle Description and Timestamps

00:00:00 - Intro
00:06:16 - Dysbiosis
00:36:22 - ANCA Associated Vasculitis
00:47:53 - Stroke
01:00:09 - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Heart - Hearing - Vision - Off balance
01:16:47 - Hodgkin Lymphoma


00:06:16 Dysbiosis
Could you provide more clarity on how to address gut dysbiosis or SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)?

00:36:22 - ANCA Associated Vasculitis
As a result of the treatment, she suffered swelling of her lower extremities and blue spots on her body.

00:47:53 - Stroke
My left hand is still not very mobile, my chest hurts and I'm exhausted. What can I do ?

01:00:09 - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Heart -Hearing- Vision - Off balance
I had bilateral lens implant eye surgery, the experimental surgery didn't work and left me legally blind. Can I still have the iridology exam?

01:16:47 - Hodgkin Lymphoma
Doctors are wanting me to get chemo, radiotherapy and steroids to get rid of the cancer.

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  1. Dr. Morse I love you to death mate but I worry about your lack of awareness regarding politics and the NWO.

    Trump and Kennedy ARE the NWO through and through and although some good things will come from this presidency, the agenda will march on unabated.

    Just look at the AI mRNA vaccines they just publicly announced 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Much love from the West of Australia, In Lak’ech.

    • Listen friend. The Biden administration was ruining this country. The fact of the matter is we are in the END TIMES and it does not matter who is put into office at this point. The Biden administration would have absolutely ruined this country FAR FASTER and it would have been way worse. Like I said, the END TIMES are here – this administration is still implementing the beast system sure and the antichrist is coming. The point is keep your eyes on JESUS because the end times are here. I don’t say this for anyone to fear – there is no fear in perfect love as it casts out all fear.

      By the way Dr. Morse. I love you so dearly brother you have completely 180’d my health. I’d love to meet you one day but if not I will see you at home in heaven. You should consider live steaming on twitch, youtube, or rumble! It’s possible to livestream on all of them at once as well! I know they’ll give you problems but screw em they’ve given us all problems for far too long haha. Love yall.

    • Trump is not with the NWO. He’s trying to legitimately save America. The NWO scammed Biden into office and the deep state called the shots which sunk the economy into the ground. They’ve already tried to take trump out twice in an assasination similar to JFKs.. in front of the world per se. Just a few months ago we were a bullet millimeters away from Kamala being elected and her putting the nail in the coffin or her handlers that is. Realize if that assisnation attempt didn’t happen trump may not be in office because of how he stood up and said “fight” while being shot in the head. So count your blessings and enjoy the possible few years America will be able to rebound and pray they don’t take him out.. regardless we are in the end times it’s all in Gods timing. Say your prayers and count your blessings

      • The ‘assassination attempts’ were all theatre (Trump is an IMDB listed actor in case you didn’t know).

        Politics IS acting. Two wings of the same bird, DELIBERATELY designed to force people to take a side and despise those who chose differently.

        They use the same play from the same playbook every time! Make the outgoing administration seem so far out on the ‘political spectrum’, woke, and incompetent that it paints the incumbent administration as the hero/saviour.

        Trump plays this role PERFECTLY, ‘he’ was born for this role (I say ‘he’ because is trans, like most actors you’ve been exposed to your whole life.)

        I shouldn’t have to explain how stupid politics is, you only have yourself to blame for getting emotionally involved (I’m not having a dig at you, ‘you’ is the greater population).

        Not to mention the fact that your elections (I’m from Aus) don’t matter in the slightest (I’m talking about the popular vote). The candidates are chosen for you and the NWO elites choose who they want to front the puppet show via the electoral vote.

        Ideally, the social programming and propaganda they design and propagate works in their favour, and the people choose who THEY want to install anyway (this way NO ONE asks any questions).

        From what I’ve seen, Hillary Clinton (reptile) won the popular vote in 2016, but Trump won the electoral vote. We both know who became president.

        Funny enough how those two are cousins (most higher-ups are all related).

        The rabbit hole goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down my friend. A couple of years ago I would’ve told myself to shut the hell up by now if I came out with this talk.

        But here I am.

        Peace be with you Aaron. In Lak’ech.

    • You are right and we have all been deceived. No one wants to talk about how often Trump throws up the Freemason signs and hand shakes. It is painful to admit we are fooled. This writer does a great job explaining and providing truth that he is in the club. Here is an article on JFK Jr which is disappointing.

    • fruits, berries, melons and not forgetting the power of botanicals of course!

      thank you sir.

  2. FINALLY I am back to listening to Dear Dr Morse. I used to listen back in 2015 up until 2018 then for some reason I went right off track. Then 2020 shocked me so much that I felt I was drowning in too much info. NOW, however, in 2025, I am ready to get back on the Fruit again as I have allowed myself to suffer unnecessarily for so long when deep down I really knew it was Dr Morse that truly cared. I also love Robert Kennedy and pray he will make his appointment on Wednesday via the senate. Thank you Dr Morse. So glad I am back here again. Blessings. Helen 🙂

    • Fantastic having you back with us, Helen! You’ve already shown plenty of courage just by returning—trust that path. ❤️

      We’re catching up on the RFK Jr. senate hearings. 🙌

  3. The mRNA vax rna programmed to promote proteins to make you dis figured or to make us dependent or sicker??? Who selling their soul to this insanity proteins to hide in our body’s ability to immunity response or augrophaty or remove toxins ( spelling ugh

  4. By the way, Dr Morse, Trump also added he may or may not join the WHO because it was more about the amount of monies involved that was his main concern. He did NOT totally say he would not join. But it was a good start. Remember, Trump being a Gemini can play both sides equally as Gemini star sign, they have ‘two faces’ as such. Just sayin. But I hope he remains OUT. 🙂

  5. Thanks Dr Morses Team and the Gorgeous Dr Morse. Always the Best Treat when his video comes out.
    love the Intros too, they’re great fun ☺️ 😊

    lots of love

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