If you are in crisis or any other person is in danger, please contact your local emergency services.
The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
Toggle Description and Timestamps
00:00:00 - Intro - New Book Update!
00:02:19 - Iridology Question
00:09:30 - Psoriasis
00:30:29 - Acne - Joint Pain
00:45:59 - Late Stage Cancer
00:02:19 - Iridology Question
What I do not understand is how is that the sinus area, when the nose is located in another area?
00:09:30 - Psoriasis
Originally what was a small skin problem on my lower back around my right kidney area has continued to significantly expand to a large area of my right lower back kidney area.
00:30:29 - Acne - Joint Pain
I know you like eyes picture so here are mine!
00:45:59 - Late Stage Cancer
Unfortunately, in the time since messaging you, my husband's cancer has spread.
my brother has taken chemo for 2 months along with saline solution iv twice per week. he eats mashed potatoes. eggs. watermelon. water. his tumors in liver. I need a protocol for him. he is dehydrated. constipated. weak and losing 60 pounds since february. please help. thanks
Error happened.
Hello David,
Here’s some information on how you can get help:
Try searching for health topics you’re interested in hearing Dr. Morse’s responses to: https://search.morses.tv/
For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to Morses.TV, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask
⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.
If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:
You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
If you are in crisis or any other person may be in danger, please refer to the Resources for Crisis & Immediate Help page or contact your local emergency services: https://www.betterhelp.com/gethelpnow/
oh my! I want to learn from you sir! I love you so much! I had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I went in to chemo and I told them this all you get! 2 rounds. my mother who is an herbalist told me to take specific herbs. she was against it…and told me after the last round… “Dont you go back and let them pump you with that ish!” so as a 40 year old woman (at the time) I still listened to my mother. I stopped all medication in September of 2024 and told the doctor take the port out. I heard the Divine say, “now your body will detox” it took them to January of 2025 to get it out. I immediately went high raw vegan! high fruit! got my biles moving. tons of grapes…then BOOM! COLD AND FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS! I knew it was coming because my periods came back (they chemically stopped it) and they were not painful! and I passed a fibroid! so I knew another detox was coming. knocked me on my butt! I even had steamed vegetables to slow it down but my body kept going! now I have tumors and lymphs popping up …I got scared so I called my mother…she said YES! KEEP GOING! ALL THAT DAMN CHEMO DID WAS SENT IT IN DORMANT KEEP GOING! I bought your herbs: heal all tea, Kidney and Bladder (the strong one), and heavy lymph mover! I haven’t started yet…will start the heal all tea today. I’m sweating…and my urine is a bit cloudy…and I got your detox book. you are an inspiration!! I love you and want to give you a huge hug! I believe I was Divinely guided throughout this journey!
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Thank you Dr. Morse.
Mangos may be wonderful but can’t be better than a ripe Georgia Peach.
Is doctor Morse started seeing patients now?
Keep exploring those taste buds! Dr. Morse enjoys hearing about everyone’s favorite fruits. 😄
Is doctor Morse started seeing patients now?
Patty cake patty cake,,ha!!, it’s a piece of cake haha yo go whoot!!🦉👐🏽🚁🦋🪁🍀🍀🍀✨✨✨⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
We’re so happy you enjoyed it, Sue! Big hugs right back at you! 😊
Is Jessica currently accepting any new clients? Would love to work with her or a student of Dr.Morse!
Hello M,
You can contact our Health Center about this here: https://morseshealthcenter.com/contact/
And find more information about our services here: https://morseshealthcenter.com/services/
You can also find Dr. Morse-trained detoxification specialists via the GrapeGate directory here: https://grapegate.com/list-of-isod-practitioners/
my brother has taken chemo for 2 months along with saline solution iv twice per week. he eats mashed potatoes. eggs. watermelon. water. his tumors in liver. I need a protocol for him. he is dehydrated. constipated. weak and losing 60 pounds since february. please help. thanks
Hello David,
Here’s some information on how you can get help:
Try searching for health topics you’re interested in hearing Dr. Morse’s responses to: https://search.morses.tv/
For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to Morses.TV, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask
Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health
⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.
If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Health Center website: https://morseshealthcenter.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner
You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
If you are in crisis or any other person may be in danger, please refer to the Resources for Crisis & Immediate Help page or contact your local emergency services: https://www.betterhelp.com/gethelpnow/
1) Getting Started: https://morseshealthcenter.com/start/
2) Frequently asked questions: https://jo.my/faq-gg
oh my! I want to learn from you sir! I love you so much! I had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I went in to chemo and I told them this all you get! 2 rounds. my mother who is an herbalist told me to take specific herbs. she was against it…and told me after the last round… “Dont you go back and let them pump you with that ish!” so as a 40 year old woman (at the time) I still listened to my mother. I stopped all medication in September of 2024 and told the doctor take the port out. I heard the Divine say, “now your body will detox” it took them to January of 2025 to get it out. I immediately went high raw vegan! high fruit! got my biles moving. tons of grapes…then BOOM! COLD AND FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS! I knew it was coming because my periods came back (they chemically stopped it) and they were not painful! and I passed a fibroid! so I knew another detox was coming. knocked me on my butt! I even had steamed vegetables to slow it down but my body kept going! now I have tumors and lymphs popping up …I got scared so I called my mother…she said YES! KEEP GOING! ALL THAT DAMN CHEMO DID WAS SENT IT IN DORMANT KEEP GOING! I bought your herbs: heal all tea, Kidney and Bladder (the strong one), and heavy lymph mover! I haven’t started yet…will start the heal all tea today. I’m sweating…and my urine is a bit cloudy…and I got your detox book. you are an inspiration!! I love you and want to give you a huge hug! I believe I was Divinely guided throughout this journey!