Dr. Morse Q&A – HIV, Rare Cancer, Allergies and More #642


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Toggle Description and Timestamps

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:04 - HIV
00:24:05 - Iridology
00:43:30 - Skin moles and Osteoarthritis
01:00:50 - Rare cancer
01:13:21 - Allergies


00:01:04 - HIV
I contracted HIV in 2013 and I am now without any treatment for the virus.

00:24:05 - Iridology
I have some before and after pictures that I thought would blow your mind!

00:43:30 - Skin moles and Osteoarthritis
I have a raised moles which I am treating with black salve.

01:00:50 - Rare cancer
In 2020 my son was diagnosed with this rare cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma)he has completed his chemo treatments and radiation.

01:13:21 - Allergies
My kids both get allergies and I don't like giving allergy med for them.

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  1. I just hope you know Doc how MUCH I appreciate that you give us your time with making these videos..You are my every single morning..i relisten to past video until a new one ~ you look very handsome today and you will forever be my hero..I’m currently working on someone with PAD~ any info you can share I’ll absorb..Thank you and much love to you❤️

  2. I have to say how cool it was hearing Doc read Misty’s letter~ This lovely has always reached out to help me and others with any questions or issues from Dr Morse facebook group.She gives so much of her time and always gives great information as if your speaking to Doc himself…So much love and respect for this lovely~

    • Your comment brought tears to my eyes….happy tears! thank you. That was the nicest thing anyone ever said about me. <3

  3. Dear Robert Morse, I just want to say I love you and thank you for all the invaluable teachings you have given us about health and spirituality and how they are interlinked with each other. You are like a modern day Jesus and Buddha and I am like one of your disciples. Your spiritual teachings have helped me become a better person and understand more about karma and creation and what Devine unconditional love is, as all things and life come out of the one. You have taught me how to be humble, kind and how to love, forgive and surrender. I must say even though I have been suicidal, I cannot risk losing all your knowledge, and if I may one day pass, I hope to take all your teachings in my next journey where ever it may be. I believe you have been sent here to save humanity from falling to its doom. I feel sorry for all these people creating so much bad karma for themselves unconsciously, that’s what really scares me. Also sorry if this comment sounds a bit corny and sorry for my English, it is not my first language. Much love! <3

  4. Nice to see you have done your wrk seems your taller and leen clear and lived your ramp is back !!! Peacefulthoughts

  5. I just lost my precious 39-year-old daughter to vaccine injury. She lives in another country and they presented it very differently than they do here in the US almost like a flu shot. I am I therapist and I am seeing an overwhelming amount of heart inflammation and skin cancers in my clients who have been till the vaccine were completely healthy. Thank you for addressing this. I have seen so many die this year I am just numb. It’s no less than genocide.

    • So sad and sorry for your loss ~ you are in my heart~ I just watched ‘Died Suddenly ‘on Rumble..its very eye opening and I believe everyone needs to see it~ If you ever need just someone to listen, email me ~ I’d be honored to be an ear for you❤️

  6. Exactly what we go throu TI,s radiated electro fryed and we’re on detox up doing good then bam fryed kidneys adrenals thyroid shuts down fryin mylan sheaths ms flares ebv burning flares shingles raised ugly Head dark order micro frequency’s to get us sick so we go to hospital then they get ya un concentfully ,, peacefulthoughts,, luv your rant👍🏾🤓😍🙌🌏❤️🤗🌲💙💜💜💜💫

  7. Thank you all so much. I hope you realize what a necessary support center this is during the vaxx’d crisis. I’m hearing this “coof” situation isn’t going away because it’s such a politically efficient, fear-based tool for them and more lock-downs may be coming. No one that is vaxx’d can travel out of or re-enter the USSA; that’s okay as long as they don’t mandate them to live here. We’re all going to need positive words over the next few years until we can get through this crisis – and we will get through it.

  8. Hello! What is the best test (blood) or not that is best to determine how my body is functioning or lack thereof?

  9. HIV is not a virus. Viruses, as the satanic big pharma cartel wants us to believe, does not exist how they say it does. HIV means you are immunocompromised. Get blood work done. See what your CD4 lymphocyte count is. A count of “14”, which is 14% or 200 cells per microliter, means you have AIDS. If your count is between “15-35”, which is 15-35% or 200 to 500 cells per microliter, you are considered SEVERELY immunocompromised. I would suspect if you have “HIV”, you would be in this area.

    One way to STOP the erosion of your CD4 count is to STOP GETTING ANY AND ALL INJECTIONS….period! The ONLY way we can harm our internal system is by injection ONLY. Now we do harm our insides through wrong foods, etc., but our body deals with that over time and WE can deal with that when we recognize it, and fix that easily. With injections, these ALL destroy your CD4 count, which is your natural immunity to EVERYTHING. Notice how they are pushing multitudes of “injections” for anything under the sun? Yeah, suppress issues and block them, never heal, all while eroding your CD4 lymphocyte count slowly. Now, the jabs, yeah, they will erode that count quickly. If you got 2, you will be severely immunocompromised. If you got 3 or more, you will erode your count and develop AIDS, and the doctor prolly won’t notice it because they’re fairly clueless. Then they will say you died “from covid”. This is all a fraud.

    Thanks for the work Dr. Morse! Look into more work from Dr. Stefan Lanka, who Dr. Tom Cowan LEARNED the truth from, and you will see more of the truth.

    • p.s. The jabs are NOT, by legal definition, “vaccines” at all. They are EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPEUTICS and they have been doing, and will continue to do, live human trials. 15-18% of all jabs, or roughly 1 in every 6, are a placebo. These jabs are poison. Loaded with toxins, the main compound being graphene oxide…whose structure is literally like nano razor blades (see Dr. Andreas Noack’s work on this, the ONLY GO expert in Europe was mysteriously died after exposing this) that, if injected wrong and go into a vein, will circulate through the bloodstream, slowly cutting up the endothelial wall. What happens when we cut? Our wonderful body will CLOT it to stop the bleeding. Now does this make sense as to why so many are having bloodclots, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. after the jabs?!?! Time to awaken, folks.

      The elites goal has always been depopulation. All that simply means is MORE people dying each day than are being born. That’s it. The elites WANT this by 2030, hence Agenda 2030, but we are actually on track to have this occur around 2060-2090 at the latest. Their whole goal is to reach “depopulation” as soon as possible…BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Remember, this is blatantly murdering people in broad daylight, this means using, mainly, the big pharma cartel to get rid of people and lay blame to fraudulent things like “covid” and whatnot. More people dying each day than are being born. That’s their end game. Go look at the stats yourself, they are trending in that way. They want it sooner, but, thankfully, since MANY more of us are awake and aware than they will EVER allow us to believe, we will throw a wrench in these plans.

      Truth, just like nature, cannot be SUPPRESSED forever, for it will eventually EXPRESS itself as that is the law of nature and truth. They’re trying their best to suppress all but they cannot. The more aware we become of the leftist soft-communism and the controlled opposition right wing folks, and the fact BOTH SIDES are controlled by THE SAME ELITES…the more we can NOT participate in all their fraudulent acts. Actions speak louder than words, use your ACTIONS to make a stand and stop participating as much as possible in the 3 main tools of control…mainstream media….turn it off. Left and right are both lies. One is blatantly lying to you, the left, the other PRETENDS to be against the left but NEVER calls out the elites in control. Make the connections. Turn it ALL off. Government…STOP VOTING. If nobody votes, they won’t have any participation from us, thus, not hold any power over us. Oh, but you will still fraudulent results on the tell-lie-vision, I am sure. Finally, the big pharma cartel…END ALL CONTACT with them completely. Learn to heal yourself and help close ones. You cannot save everyone, but you can save yourself and give knowledge to those close to you. If you do not participate, they will leave you alone. Learn the law and your rights. Be ready, at any time, to diffuse any situation with knowledge of the law and your rights to NOT be affected by any nonsensical things they “mandate”. Remember, a “mandate”, by law, has to be AGREED UPON BY BOTH PARTIES to actually be an enforceable “mandate”. If you do NOT accept this offer of fraud, you are NOT contracting yourself to it, thus, it does NOT apply to you at all. Stop contracting yourself to frauds, when you do you make them LAWFUL and LEGALLY BINDING to you at the point of acceptance. Take off the masks, same thing goes for this. Where I live we have something called PHIPA, Personal Health Information Protection Act. Only LICENSED HEALTH CUSTODIANS are the ones able to even ASK YOU anything about your health information (MD’s, RN’s, Pharmacists ONLY). If someone is not one of the above, it is a $250,000 fine for them, plus the compnay they work for can be fined up to $1,000,000; not to mention the personal civil lawsuit you can file for multi-millions against the person who violated your rights, their manager, the store owner, the president of the company and the company itself! Next time anyone asks you to wear a mask, simply say, “No. I have a medical condition”. When YOU state that, the conversation is OVER. They cannot say anymore as they are NOT a licensed health custodian….and they cannot discriminate against you because you have a medical condition. Now, whether you do or not doesn’t matter, they lie to us to get us into legally binding contracts, so all you’re doing is using law against them. And when you drop the fine amounts and civil lawsuit stuff…yeah, you’ll be left alone. I have never once wore a mask. Never once been refused anything. Cops have NEVER done anything or said anything. I am in Canada, and yet all you see is how bad it is here, lol. What a joke. Don’t beLIEve what you see on tell-lie-vision or CONTROLLED OPPOSITION “truth” videos.

      Cheers to all. Stand in your power. Non-participation as much as possible. Don’t yell or make scenes. Speak ONLY when necessary and speak with confidence and knowledge and you will NEVER be messed with!!!

  10. Few mistakes in that, sorry I can barely see in here, lol.

    Dr. Andreas Noack mysteriously DIED after exposing Graphene Oxide. We know he got killed, pretty simple.

    About depopulation, I meant to say this ISN’T blatantly murdering people to get to their goal. However, they actually are doing that by injecting people, giving people remdesivir, collapsing peoples lungs with vents when they should NEVER be vented at all, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, blood clots, and on and on and on. Yet, the brainwashed leftist fools, and LOTS of not as badly brainwashed right wing fools, cannot put two and two together. This is genodice, this is democide.

    OK, should’ve proofread, my bad. This clears up the two things I typed incorrectly. Cheers, y’all!!

  11. Hi Dr. Morse! I was guided awhile ago to research Edgar Cayce’s info on Peyer’s patches which are located in the small intestine. He states that these patches are directly related to activating the thymus (high heart chakra) and become diminished as age increases. My intuition says that as you clean the gut, these patches become regenerated and this is why happiness increases as you detox?

    • That totally makes sense. everything cleans and strengthens. Even what normally weakens with age. Truth is age doen’t weaken anything….acids do over time which makes it look like age

  12. “materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of driving souls out of human beings” Rudolph Steiner
    much love brother thanks for caring and sharing 💜👈👍👍👍

  13. Dr Morse read my eyes in this video. I was so excited to watch this video! I waited for days after being told by friend they seen it and the warrior thing and all…I was so happy. Took me days to sit down and watch it because i was so excited…trying to savor it…. now I am watching it and was shocked because he is calling me a warrior and hasn’t even seen the new pictures!! I thought I was going to see that. I actually made an Iris analysis video of my eyes showing how I reversed my prolapse. The email he is reading was back a few months ago and did not include the last updated photo. see video here!! love you Dr Morse!! thank you and stay tuned my dear one <3

  14. so hard but yes we all reap what we sow
    “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.“ Galatians 6:7-8.

  15. That’s my detox specialist 🙌🙌🙌
    (Girl you are amazing! You inspire me Misty!!!😘)

    Misty is a warrior and leads by example♥️

  16. Fast forward to today…

    The new book just came out and I bought it!

    I can’t wait to read it!

    PS – I was happy to pay $125!


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