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The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
I like you and thank you for your being her on earth.
I would add on list:
nettle and marine phytoplankton
What do you say?
Love love
Error happened.
Dear Robert, Dr. Morse
Thank you for everything you. Helping me a lot. You talked about horses in this video. How can we help our horse from sweet itch. It’s terrible to watch her scratch herself until she loses most mane and tale.
How to open up kidneys and get lympf moving… in horse.
Error happened.
Because of my Hiatal Hernia, I am having trouble swallowing pills and capsules. Do you make this formulas out of tinctures? I am trying to build some muscles to keep fit.
Error happened.
Hello Michael – As I live alone and am worried about choking on pills, for the past few years I have been buying only those supplements that are in capsules.
I twist open the capsule and drop the powder into a few ounces of water. it might taste bad, but I drink it quickly.
And yes, tinctures are great.
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Hey Robert
I like you and thank you for your being her on earth.
I would add on list:
nettle and marine phytoplankton
What do you say?
Love love
Dear Robert, Dr. Morse
Thank you for everything you. Helping me a lot. You talked about horses in this video. How can we help our horse from sweet itch. It’s terrible to watch her scratch herself until she loses most mane and tale.
How to open up kidneys and get lympf moving… in horse.
Because of my Hiatal Hernia, I am having trouble swallowing pills and capsules. Do you make this formulas out of tinctures? I am trying to build some muscles to keep fit.
Hello Michael – As I live alone and am worried about choking on pills, for the past few years I have been buying only those supplements that are in capsules.
I twist open the capsule and drop the powder into a few ounces of water. it might taste bad, but I drink it quickly.
And yes, tinctures are great.