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Live Zoom with Professor Pele Chen and Dr. Morse (May 25th, 2023)


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  1. Hi Alex, in 2013 I removed the parathyroid thyroid and took T4 levithyroxine 100ml a year. I eat live foods and fruits rarely. I eat millet, quinoa & rice. Since January 5th, I have been taking Dr. Morse’s capsule tinctures based on the protocol of my practitioner who has a diploma. at Dr. Morse, unfortunately years ago in July I had PSA PROSTATI 4.7 so I started Dr. Morse’s tinctures for kidney bladder prostate health blood circulation blood support pituitary GI Broom superfood explosion liver skin pancreas support etc. I work in construction and eat lightly boiled millet for lunch with dill, maidan, celery, tomato, red pepper, coriander, cucumber, olives (7-8), pureed in a blender in the morning, Dr. Morse capsules tincture, and 30 min later, 5-6 pears, turmeric, ginger, 3 dates in a blender and tea with wild rose and liquorice for two more hours after lunch I eat 3 apples and at dinner fruit with ginger dates in a blender and Dr. Morse tincture capsules, I’m not filtering yet, I’m not seeing anything in the urine. except that the color is a little more yellow than before and recently I see foam in the urine

    • Alexanter, I did 4 months on nothing but dark grapes & did not filter. I realized I needed to attempt to dry fast & struggle with that so I did just enough grapes to get by & made herbal tea with marshmallow root, burdock root, dandelion root, chamomile, & took white oak bark capsules. I drank just a little bit of the tea. Anyhow, I believe it was between the anti inflammatory herb (marshmallow) in the tea & white oak capsules & almost dry fasting, I finally started filtering. Usually dry fasting a day will get it started though. Hope that helps

  2. I really think everyone could benefit from people having a time frame for which to speak.

  3. Dr Morse has 600+ videos and people still waste time by asking questions he answered many times! Ego in people unbelievable…

  4. I really appreciate Dr. Morse’s Come-from after listening to this lady. A lot of knowledge but she doesn’t seem to be listening to people, just rattling off things.

  5. Dr. Lisa St. John WHOLEify.com for animals health protocols
    Lisa is a Level ll trained by Dr. Morse.
    She does animal iridology readings, diet and herbal protocols. My dogs and cats have all healed cysts, liver, respiratory, and seizure issues with her help. She’s full of knowledge and a kind human being.

  6. Hi all, I live in Southern Africa and would appreciate referrals to Dr Morse trained practitioners who are in South Africa. Also South Africa is on the list of countries with restrictions to access Dr Morse’s herbs. I’m using local alternatives but would much rather source a few of those that I cannot source.

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Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
