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The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
hello and thank you!
this has been a life changing experience. from the whole pandemic/ lockdowns/ vaccines…to corporation fra7d and ultimate corruption 9n every level… and now as my wife has tried the AMA’s protocol for cervical cancer & non-hodgkin’s t-cell lymphoma chemo, and stem cell transplant since march 2022… the Almighty lead us to find your videos…
we are going fruit, berries, melons as much as possible… 4 children ages 10 to 18… will be fun to convince after a life of destroying our bodies with junk…
please pray we can get to the next level and continue on the correct path towards spiritual consciousness and physical healing…
may God continue to bless us on this journey.
thank you with all of our being for sharing the greatest life saving information, besides salvation through the sacrifice of our King, Christ our Lord and Saviour … love you all
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I LOVE your lovely comment! I would love to offer you my services for free! I am certified by Dr Morse and would love to guide you to Wellville! You got support GALORE!! I created a Dr Morse Detox Support Group on Facebook named WATERMELON ISLAND! Please come join us!! I would love you to share your journey there and see what happens! You said pleasepray we get to the next level….. Check out the levels on my recipe page! http://www.higherleveldetox.com You want to start on level 3 andonce you got that down then go to the next level. I even have recipes on all the levels! Please check out all the pages on my website. I will teach you how to make it to the next level…then the next one…. start now! Go fruit yourselves!
Error happened.
we will. thanks again. looking forward to the healthy journey ahead…😎
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Where could I buy Morses’ new book in Europe? 🙂
hello and thank you!
this has been a life changing experience. from the whole pandemic/ lockdowns/ vaccines…to corporation fra7d and ultimate corruption 9n every level… and now as my wife has tried the AMA’s protocol for cervical cancer & non-hodgkin’s t-cell lymphoma chemo, and stem cell transplant since march 2022… the Almighty lead us to find your videos…
we are going fruit, berries, melons as much as possible… 4 children ages 10 to 18… will be fun to convince after a life of destroying our bodies with junk…
please pray we can get to the next level and continue on the correct path towards spiritual consciousness and physical healing…
may God continue to bless us on this journey.
thank you with all of our being for sharing the greatest life saving information, besides salvation through the sacrifice of our King, Christ our Lord and Saviour … love you all
I LOVE your lovely comment! I would love to offer you my services for free! I am certified by Dr Morse and would love to guide you to Wellville! You got support GALORE!! I created a Dr Morse Detox Support Group on Facebook named WATERMELON ISLAND! Please come join us!! I would love you to share your journey there and see what happens! You said pleasepray we get to the next level….. Check out the levels on my recipe page! http://www.higherleveldetox.com You want to start on level 3 andonce you got that down then go to the next level. I even have recipes on all the levels! Please check out all the pages on my website. I will teach you how to make it to the next level…then the next one…. start now! Go fruit yourselves!
we will. thanks again. looking forward to the healthy journey ahead…😎