If you are in crisis or any other person is in danger, please contact your local emergency services.
The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
When is Dr Morse do New videos . Also how do get better after having a Stroke ?
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Hi Max. New videos, most likely interviews, will be coming soon. 🙂
Regarding strokes, for the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
Error happened.
Hello everyone, I love watching these zoom meetings and hearing so many different stories at once. I also struggle with the pressure/judgement of close family members who are allopathic thinkers. I just wanted to express how helpful it is to me to hear stories from others who are dealing with the same issue. It helps give me strength and reassurance that I am making the right choices for myself and my daughter (6 yrs). Looking forward to more videos.
Love and light to you all.
🧡 Jamie
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What are your thought on sweating via steam/sauna to help rid toxic waste.?
Thank you.
Error happened.
Hello Dawn,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
Error happened.
I was blown away at this video. So many wonderful questions and and answers. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to help people. God Bless you both.
I have inflammation from unnecessary liposuction ( to long of a story) I have indentations from them grabbing to much fat in my legs in certain areas and I feel I have water retention. Do you have any insight on this. Thank you. Love you both
Error happened.
Parathyroid glandulars are difficult to find. Can you direct me as to where I can find them?
i see so many asking for their loved ones lol that will not follow anyway whatever you are going to try to convince them with! deal with your emotions first… instead of taking herbs and medecine lol which is crazy! but then most people are crazy and this world is crazy :)))
Error happened.
I have been listening and watching Dr. Morses videos now for 6 years
And have learned much.
I have healed myself from seizures I suffered with for 30 + years.
I love dr. Morse he was given to this world to educate the ignorance
and the world is a better place.
I have been teaching myself Irodology and herbs 🌿 to one day teach and practice Irodology.
Error happened.
I’m so bummed even with my volume all the way up in the car and on my phone I can barely hear this conversation..
Error happened.
Hi all.
Thank you very much for organizing this live.
So many important topics covered
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
How do I find out about Dr. Morse’s classes? I have some questions about the school and what I could ultimately do with it. Thanks, Cairenn
At drmorse.health there is a summary of his websites
Hi Cairenn, you can find out more about Dr. Morse’s online courses here: https://courses.internationalschoolofthehealingarts.com/start/
When is Dr Morse do New videos . Also how do get better after having a Stroke ?
Hi Max. New videos, most likely interviews, will be coming soon. 🙂
Regarding strokes, for the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health
If you need more personalized help, you may also schedule a consultation with or find a counsellor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Detox Centers website: https://drmorsesdetoxcenters.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner/
You can also give our office a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
1) Frequently asked questions: https://jo.my/faq-gg
2) Informational Health & Emergency Documents: https://jo.my/health-docs-gg
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
Hello everyone, I love watching these zoom meetings and hearing so many different stories at once. I also struggle with the pressure/judgement of close family members who are allopathic thinkers. I just wanted to express how helpful it is to me to hear stories from others who are dealing with the same issue. It helps give me strength and reassurance that I am making the right choices for myself and my daughter (6 yrs). Looking forward to more videos.
Love and light to you all.
🧡 Jamie
What are your thought on sweating via steam/sauna to help rid toxic waste.?
Thank you.
Hello Dawn,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health
If you need more personalized help, you may also schedule a consultation with or find a counsellor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Detox Centers website: https://drmorsesdetoxcenters.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner/
You can also give our office a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
1) Frequently asked questions: https://jo.my/faq-gg
2) Informational Health & Emergency Documents: https://jo.my/health-docs-gg
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
I was blown away at this video. So many wonderful questions and and answers. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to help people. God Bless you both.
I have inflammation from unnecessary liposuction ( to long of a story) I have indentations from them grabbing to much fat in my legs in certain areas and I feel I have water retention. Do you have any insight on this. Thank you. Love you both
Parathyroid glandulars are difficult to find. Can you direct me as to where I can find them?
Hi Terri, maybe this will help: https://drmorsesdetoxcenters.com/product/parathyroid-10mg-90-tablets/
i see so many asking for their loved ones lol that will not follow anyway whatever you are going to try to convince them with! deal with your emotions first… instead of taking herbs and medecine lol which is crazy! but then most people are crazy and this world is crazy :)))
I have been listening and watching Dr. Morses videos now for 6 years
And have learned much.
I have healed myself from seizures I suffered with for 30 + years.
I love dr. Morse he was given to this world to educate the ignorance
and the world is a better place.
I have been teaching myself Irodology and herbs 🌿 to one day teach and practice Irodology.
I’m so bummed even with my volume all the way up in the car and on my phone I can barely hear this conversation..
Hi all.
Thank you very much for organizing this live.
So many important topics covered