Healing with Nature | Patty Lager


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  1. Itchy skin, open sores when I scratch. often in sleep. on my left ankle. right was bad but healed. bad memory, learning is hard, tremor on my R thumb occasionally, Beaten by a cop on my R kidney, but I think failed to do permanent damage as he intended. The itch is maddening. I eat mostly raw fruit and veggies, honey, nuts, seeds, olives, dates, corn tortillas, don’t cook/bake much. HELP I’m dying here.

    • Hi Richard,

      You may find that transitioning to mostly raw if not all raw & mostly fruit if not all fruit will help your current condition immensely. If l were in your shoes l would back out of the nuts, seeds & corn tortillas as much as you can if not completely. Especially when needing to detox due to itchy skin issue & other factors you mentioned.

      It would also be beneficial for you to achieve good kidney filtration. Dry fasting alongside Robert’s herbal lymphatic & kidney formulas would assist moving backed up, stagnant lymphatic waste. Good kidney filtration is key.

      Digestive herbal formulas would assist to ensure expedient transition of foods. This is also important. All raw & large ratio amount of fruit not only greatly helps digestive function but other body organ system’s functions immensely. I am not a certified detox specialist, but l have studied & applied Robert’s suggested protocols over the past 5 years. My family & l’s health has transformed incredibly much by doing so.

      Take the time to keep studying Dr. M’s videos, consider what Robert has to say & most importantly get to work & go for it!
      His knowledge is right on target!
      Very powerful healing resources if applied consistently are found here.

      Best of wellness to you,

      Todd B

      • Ms. Lager’s vid, beyond siting fruitarian & herbal dietary habit, touches upon other equally as important natural hygiene lifestyle habits. The common theme here being a prompting to reestablish reconnections of ourselves towards a more symbiotic relation with ourselves, each other, the other animals & nature. It’s No Doubt That We’re All One!
        Reestablishing these ‘back to nature’ lifestyle habits will heal us up and so heal up the rest of nature.

        Steadfast denouncements by turning away from the expectations of the corporate technocratic materialism madness are habits we would all be much benefitted to acquire more & more of. The simplicity of minimal material gathering mainly purposed primarily out of humbled necessity seems a worthwhile practice.

        Yes, thank you Patty for this interesting introduction vid to Natural Hygiene. Important to communicate & share with others these simple, yet highly effective lifestyle, life encouraging & empowering practices.

        Another interesting introduction vid about Natural Hygiene, from what l can gather was produced poss some where in the eighties, is titled Meet Natural Hygiene with T.C. Fry. Vid is an oldie but a definite goodie. Vegan Society of Australia is the channel on YouTube that posted vid. YT has it for now but likely possible it may be axed.

  2. Hi Patty,
    That was such a beautiful presentation. The last point regarding relationships is a big one for me and has been hugely beneficial. It is a very comprehensive list to enable our experience to be The Highest and Best it could be.

    Much love to you, thank you.

  3. OK will do, I love the nuts but will let them got ill I’m well. Any thoughts on seaweed. I’ve rolled sprouts in them and are tasty. but if that’s no some it. I use marijuana to help me sleep, I think I’ll have to let that go as well. The veggies I’ve been eating are all raw. but I will heed your advice and let them go as well. I feed my cat canned tuna, mackerel and stupidly lick my fingers as it’s the kind humans eat.I’ll be washing my hands forthwith sans licking the fingers. I’m dumb. Thank your responding as fast as you did. God Bless You, Sincerely Richard

    • Richard,

      In lieu of this additional info you’ve provided, l suggest you consider connecting up with Dr. Morse’s Clinic as their experience far exceeds that of mine. Again l am only self practiced of fruitarian/herbalism/fasting detox/cleansing upon myself and family. However, yes l stand by my assertion of high fruit intake and some veg is certainly OK to help balance. Until one gets used to eating large amount of fruit may be necessary to consume more veg, greens and gradually ease into higher fruit amount.

      Also, as much raw as possible is key & eating food, hopefully whole raw fruit/veg/herbs, in it’s entirety of whole form. There’s potential for one’s greatest benefit going all or mostly raw l’ve found in my family & l’s experience as well as listening to other’s accounts of this dietary practice. Doing as much as you can to limit if not eliminate all packaged & processed foods will most likely for certain reward you as well.

      Seaweed? Hmm…
      Honestly, Idk as l’m not a lot experienced of habitually eating the sea veggies. Robert may have Dulse in one or more of his herbal blends. I highly regard & respect his herbal formulas based on my experience applying them. The herbs are masterful to help cleanse & strengthen.

      Another consideration Richard is the practice of earthing, sometimes referred to as grounding, which is tremendously helpful to assist the body to wellness. Simply connecting the feet or body directly, ‘skin to skin’, with Mother Earth is a practice that likely would serve you very well. Doing this in warm sunlight l have found to be quite sublime.

      Ample sunlight but of course not too much, considerate movement while avoiding over exertion, enough hydration & sufficient rest as Patty asserts are all absolutely key as well.

      The ole’ country doctor’s advice of when not well adequate resting is important.
      You know ole’ doc said ‘Go to bed and rest.’ Fasting is strongly implied as he didn’t say go to bed and rest with food. Lol.
      Seriously though Intermittent dry fasting if you’re not familiar could likely be also beneficial. Which is simply extended your daily fast until later in the day and starting your first fluid or solid, break*fast, later than you’ve come to habit. This encourages the kidneys to filter and assist passing of backed up lymphatic deposits that l mentioned earlier. Here again l suggest contacting Dr. M’s clinic once they’re up and able to pick back up clinic consultation to learn further of dry fasting as well as dietary practices to assist straightening yourself up!

      Have assurance that the body is designed to heal in and unto itself and does so by providing it correct resources and lifestyle practices.

      As you mention budgetary constraint they do have a program for assistance. Encourage you to work with the clinic and apply for that too.

      Hope this helps.
      Be well!

    • Hi Richard,

      In lieu of this additional info you’ve provided, l suggest you consider connecting up with Dr. Morse’s Clinic as their experience far exceeds that of mine. Again l am only self practiced of fruitarian/herbalism/fasting detox/cleansing upon myself and family. However, yes l stand by my assertion of high fruit intake and some veg is certainly OK to help balance. Until one gets used to eating large amount of fruit may be necessary to consume more veg, greens and gradually ease into higher fruit amount.

      Also, as much raw as possible is key & eating food, hopefully whole raw fruit/veg/herbs, in it’s entirety of whole form. There’s potential for one’s greatest benefit going all or mostly raw l’ve found in my family & l’s experience. Great wellness gains l’ve heard of as well by listening to other’s accounts of this dietary practice. Doing as much as you can to limit if not eliminate all packaged & processed foods will most likely for certain reward you as well.

      Seaweed? Hmm…
      Honestly, Idk as l’m not a lot experienced of habitually eating the sea veggies. Robert may have Dulse in one or more of his herbal blends. I highly regard & respect his herbal formulas based on my experience applying them. The herbs are masterful to help the body, mind & soul/spirit cleanse & strengthen.

      Another consideration Richard is the practice of earthing, sometimes referred to as grounding, which is tremendously helpful to assist the body to wellness. Simply connecting the feet or body directly, ‘skin to skin’, with Mother Earth is a practice that likely would serve you very well. Doing this in warm sunlight l have found to be quite sublime.

      Ample sunlight but of course not too much, considerate movement while avoiding over exertion, enough hydration & sufficient rest as Patty asserts are all absolutely key as well.

      The ole’ country doctor’s advice of when not well adequate resting is important.
      You know ole’ doc said ‘Go to bed and rest.’ Fasting is strongly implied as he didn’t say go to bed and rest with food. Lol.
      Seriously though Intermittent dry fasting if you’re not familiar could likely be also beneficial. Which is simply extended your daily fast until later in the day and starting your first fluid or solid, break*fast, later than you’ve come to habit. This encourages the kidneys to filter and assist passing of backed up lymphatic deposits that l mentioned earlier.

      Here again l suggest contacting Dr. M’s clinic once they’re up and able to pick back up clinic consultation to learn further of dry fasting as well as dietary practices to assist straightening yourself up!

      Have assurance that the body is designed to heal in and unto itself and does so by providing it correct resources and lifestyle practices.

      As you mention budgetary constraint they do have a program for assistance. Encourage you to work with the clinic and apply for that too.

      Please excuse my bit of reiteration here.

      Hope info here helps.
      Be encouraged & be well!

  4. PS To: Patty Leger
    Whole body dry skin, not s bad as the L. ankle I use coconut oil on it.The ankle itself has extremely dryskin and it flakes off. leaving patches of meat exposed. I use T tree oil for the pain and cover it all after the oil is absorbed with BAG BALM used for cow udders in winter for milking. Idonot use any dairy products but have bee using vegan cheese substitutes. The Bag Balm eases the stiff skin and allows to hobble along somewhat my canes.I will buy Dr. Morse’s digestive herbs and anything else you suggest as my budget allows. 78 Y.O. on a manger fixed income. Thankyoufor caring.God Bless You,
    Sincerely, Richard

  5. PPS To: Patty Leger
    I wrap the ankle with bandages and wrap the entire thing with rolled gauze and cover it all with a sock. I had a jar of Dr M’s suer salve but it didn’t seem to help-much Thanks again

  6. I’ve been told that too much honey is not good. Sure hope that’s not the case as I put it on fruit that’s bitter or not ripe enough. It act as a preservative soit lasts a long time in the ridge. For years I practice Natural hygiene which is the proper combination of foods for max digestion. Dr. Sheldon is/was the main exponent of this idea.H lived a long time even after being kicked in the head by a horse which left him bed ridden till he passed. But he wrote mostofhis books from the bed he lay in. I think that covers most of my dietary adventures. I used tube a size 36 waist, now I’m a size 29-30 which is my natural size from high school. Thankyoufor the advice and I will do what you suggest . I will get in touch with Dr M and apply form some $ help.Maybe I’llget lucky. Ha my kitty calls.God Bless you always. Sincerely Richard

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