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Countering the Argument of Not Eating Fruit | Dr. Robert Morse | Sherylea Chavez | The Holistic Healer Podcast


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  1. Why not make herbal formulations with glycerin instead of any alcohol? Alcohol is very acid forming and makes people drunk. I know the alcohol gets the herbs directly in the bloodstream and mostly bypasses the GI tract but the alcohol offsets a lot of the good the herbs do. I also know the alcohol extents the shelf life longer than glycerin. The glycerin has no side effects and does not interfere with the herb’s benefits at all.

    • Hi Nick,

      There are a few reasons:

      1) Glycerins aren’t the best delivery system for all situations or for all cases in general. The reverse is true as well with alcohol.

      2) When you need a fast-acting formula, such as to ease or stop spasms, asthma attacks, etc., alcohol are preferred and work better in Dr. Morse’s experience.

      3) If it is the case that someone isn’t seeing progress with glycerin formulas, alcohol formulas can sometimes make the difference—and vice versa.

      Dr. Morse has used alcohol tinctures for the vast majority of his career. In comparison, the glycerins are a recent but welcome addition and have also proven effective. So both alcohol and glycerin tinctures have their place in the toolbox.

  2. Raw ripe fruit is great when properly grown but if that is all you ate, you would have a lot of pain and constipation.

  3. I do not know what idiot this is who says fruit acts like fat in the body but it absolutely does not. Also, fruit does not make people fat. Fruit actually makes you lose fat on your body because the fruit gets rid of all the toxins in the body (cells).

  4. I can see your point, but why is there alcohol in the glycerin formulas? When I first bought the glycerin formulas, there was absolutely no alcohol in them. Alcohol is not good for the brain and there is so much in them (30-40%), even in the glycerin formulas (1-7%).

  5. Amazing show you two. I always love your Spiritual Insights Robert. Sherylea is asking the questions where I wanted to have answers from, so thank you for that Sherylea to ask the right spiritual questions and thanks to give the beautiful answers Robert !!! So, you deserve the first copies from the new books haha, I want the second copies then. I really want to read them also !!! I hope you will learn GNM some day Robert, to combine this with your work/knowledge and your new books would make you happy, I truly believe so. To understand that for example cancers are made by your body to help you go through a phase and to understand how these programs are organised from within with GNM is also really mindblowing. GNM + Robert Morse = Spiritual Freedom … much LOVE TO YOU

  6. the scientific equasion for fat is carbon+oxygen+hydrogen. this is how they came up with the connection between fat and fruit

  7. Exactly! I went to HI in 2028 with leukemia and they had forbidden me to eat fruit. I had made the choice in September 2017 to focus my healing on the consumption of fruit.
    BUT the psychologist there told me that I had a fruit addiction and that a temporary fruit tattoo and accompaniment would help me “get rid of” this fruit craving. Because, it fed the cancer cells and it was bad…
    I refused further meetings with this person and continued my stay by hiding fruit in my bag during the two mornings a week when it was available. I continued to eat these fruits and tons of salad to hold the 3 weeks of the program.
    Thank you for highlighting that fruits should be the basis of our diet and are a blessing, a gift in this sometimes intense and unbalanced world.


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