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The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
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00:00:00 - Primary intracranial sarcoma
00:30:15 - Chronic ulcer, IBS
00:42:21 - Diabetes type 1, High blood sugar on fruit
00:00:00 - Primary intracranial sarcoma
Doctors told them that this type of tumor is caused by an alkaline environment.
00:30:15 - Chronic ulcer, IBS
I have suffered many years from chronic peptic ulcer and my only cure was fasting.
00:42:21 - Diabetes type 1, High blood sugar on fruit
What would cause the blood sugar to go so high on fruit and not on vegetable matter?
I’ve been listening and taking Dr Roberts Courses for years now ( Level 1 practitioner)
And everything that you said here was simple to understand, the TRUTH and in a way the makes learning easy. My life continues to evolve with the knowledge you are sharing. Some pile can’t let it in because they have spent years and years in Western medicine and lots of money on schools. Their egos cannot allow the mind to accept that they have been duped by medical Drs and the allopathic community. It’s too big to swallow. I say juice up some fresh watermelon juice and take a big drink. Love you Dr Robert Morse.
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It seems like you have to go through hellville to get to wellville with fruit and herbs. The fruit in this country is terrible and the herbal formulas (Dr. Morse’s) have alcohol in them (even the glycerins), which is acid forming and dehydrates cells.
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Almonds are alkaline forming, not acid forming.
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The reason why blood sugar spikes on the fruit and not the vegetables in some diabetics may be the fruit is not ripe that is eaten. The fruit in this country is awful.
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There are right and wrong decisions. You make the right decision, you will prosper. You make the wrong decision and you will suffer.
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
I’ve been listening and taking Dr Roberts Courses for years now ( Level 1 practitioner)
And everything that you said here was simple to understand, the TRUTH and in a way the makes learning easy. My life continues to evolve with the knowledge you are sharing. Some pile can’t let it in because they have spent years and years in Western medicine and lots of money on schools. Their egos cannot allow the mind to accept that they have been duped by medical Drs and the allopathic community. It’s too big to swallow. I say juice up some fresh watermelon juice and take a big drink. Love you Dr Robert Morse.
It seems like you have to go through hellville to get to wellville with fruit and herbs. The fruit in this country is terrible and the herbal formulas (Dr. Morse’s) have alcohol in them (even the glycerins), which is acid forming and dehydrates cells.
Almonds are alkaline forming, not acid forming.
The reason why blood sugar spikes on the fruit and not the vegetables in some diabetics may be the fruit is not ripe that is eaten. The fruit in this country is awful.
There are right and wrong decisions. You make the right decision, you will prosper. You make the wrong decision and you will suffer.