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New Baby Formula and a Discussion on Health and Spirituality


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    • Thank you for be a amazing spiritual being! All our love to you Morse!

      • Unfortunately I won’t see videos requiring download of the TikTok app. My information is the provider can have access to personal information on your computer/device. Thanks for sharing the information and knowledge it’s helping many folks with better health that I know!

  1. Thanks so much for your videos, I wish I could do the challenge and stop thinking it is very hard.

  2. What is fascinating is this, I was in a book store which has books from the 1800’s in it. I was called to this one book on Organotherapy. This is essentially Endocrinology from the early 1900’s.

    The wisdom of the Endocrine system and Acidemia, the understanding of the terrain was so amazing back then they do not teach this anymore.

    One of the amazing things I got out of it was the Thyroid and Parathyroid connection to Epilepsy . Today our day and age we focus on heavy metals and adjuvants.

    Very important to understand how the body is holistically working with its whole set of bodies, from Etheric to physical form.

    You are here reading this, you are in the right place at the right time.

    Enjoy a herbal tea,
    Enjoy amazing fruits
    Enjoy learning about who you are
    Enjoy reconnecting with everything around you


    • Do you know the name of the book? Sounds interesting. Btw, I was drinking herbal tea as I read your message ☺️

      • Hey!!

        The book is called “Practical Organotherapy” by Henry R Harrower

  3. I am so grateful for the information you shared. I look forward to the topics you spoke about here! I am pregnant now so the information is in perfect timing! Thank you kind soul!

  4. I’ve been a professional nanny for over 28 years.
    I specialize in infants and I make organic baby food….. lol Finally an enlightened being who has made healing simple. Blessings to you Dr. Morse xoxo

  5. Just a suggestion for anyone having a difficult time just eating fruits , berries and melons. I have been keeping ontop of my healthy plant fats like Extra virgin olive oil and cold pressed coconut oil which have been keeping me satiated longer and in turn keeps me reaching to that fruit. What do you think Dr. Robert Morse? Is this worth trying if it keeps out the grains, dairies and meats?

  6. Dr. Morse – God bless you! You are an angel for us humans on this crazy planet! Thank you for waking me up to the power of fruits! I just ordered my first dose of herbs and I feel so blessed to have found you!
    Thank you dear one!

  7. I love you Dr. Morse, and you’re entire team ❤️ such a beautiful journey ❤️ how wonderful you are all here for us! I TRULY APPRECIATE IT AND ALWAYS WILL!

  8. I have a jack russell dog, she loves fruit especially apples and pears, she gets excited when she gets blueberries she will play with it and jump around before eating it. Some fruits they cannot eat that will be toxic like grapes and cherries so check first. If you want to introduce fruit to your dog its best to do it gradually.

  9. Thank you, we appreciate once again your knowledge. Does anyone know how can we download videos from morses.tv or maybe are uploaded to another site?

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Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
