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Can these herbs be used on children/teens my daughter’s appetite has gone down she’ll take a couple of bites of food and don’t want anymore she’s always feeling bloated. I took her to the ER they say she has some fluid on her kidney and some bacteria in her urine and was sent home with UTI meds! She’s having discomfort in the left upper shoulder blade and in her abdomen I was thinking something was positively going on with her spleen but not sure. I know it’s something internal because her skin/inflamed acne also censory to loud noise tells me so. I need help what can she take. Thank you
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Hi Teresa, for the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Can these herbs be used on children/teens my daughter’s appetite has gone down she’ll take a couple of bites of food and don’t want anymore she’s always feeling bloated. I took her to the ER they say she has some fluid on her kidney and some bacteria in her urine and was sent home with UTI meds! She’s having discomfort in the left upper shoulder blade and in her abdomen I was thinking something was positively going on with her spleen but not sure. I know it’s something internal because her skin/inflamed acne also censory to loud noise tells me so. I need help what can she take. Thank you
Hi Teresa, for the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health
If you need more personalized help, you may also schedule a consultation with or find a counsellor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Detox Centers website: https://drmorsesdetoxcenters.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner/
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📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
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2) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/