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Important Information | Oct. 18th, 2023


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The captions in videos on Dr. Morse TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Dr. Morse addresses the issue of widespread corruption in various sectors of society, particularly the legal and medical fields. He sees these areas as plagued by dishonest practices and harmful elements, which he passionately calls out.
  • He addresses the situation concerning the new Liver Detox Tea, which he has had no involvement in creating.
  • He speaks to the significance of personal consciousness and thinking and raises concerns over how external influences, notably governments, manipulate our minds and control our perspectives.
  • Dr. Morse criticizes outlets like YouTube for suppressing individuals' freedom of speech and rights. In a somewhat nuanced critique, he points out the curious balancing act these platforms perform between claiming to be private entities and publicly traded companies.
  • On healthcare and remedies, Dr. Morse passionately advocates for using botanicals in medical therapy. He puts forward strong arguments comparing these natural treatments favorably against conventional therapies such as chemotherapy.
  • He encourages you to focus on your physical and mental health. He insists that individuals should actively seek self-improvement and betterment in this regard.
  • To wrap up, he shares about upcoming projects and exciting developments planned.

Time for More? Slide and Pick Another Video!


  1. Can u make your videos backwards compatible with older versions of iOS
    I cannot play the videos on them

    • Hello Friend,

      We appreciate you wanting to access Dr. Morse’s videos conveniently. Unfortunately, we’re currently unable to make our videos compatible with older versions of iOS, as the video technology and the platform on which we host our videos require more recent updates. We understand this might be inconvenient and we apologize for the inconvenience. If possible, we recommend updating your iOS system or using a different device.

  2. As always to the point. World needs more healers as you. 🫶🫶🫶🫶🍉🍊🍉🍊

    • it won’t be long until a bigger company will buy out the herb company that makes your formulas and they will change it and make it useless… it s the way of the goyim killers… like Tsun Zhu wrote… infiltration, lies and poisoning…

      • actually I was shocked when Dr Morse sold his formulas, I knew it was the end of it…

    • Hey Anita,

      We couldn’t agree more! Our world truly needs more healers focusing on natural remedies and the power of fresh, raw foods.

      Thank you for your kind words and appreciation for Dr. Morse’s work 💖

  3. Reminds me of when Nestle bought Garden of Life and New Chapter sold out to Proctor & Gamble. Both companies promised nothing would change. And neither company kept their word. I will always support Dr. Morse and his staff (I love them all), but I cannot say that I will continue supporting Western Botanicals; appears they are slowly starting to make changes like the other two companies mentioned above. I hope I am wrong!

    • Hey Christina,

      Your support means so much to us, especially during challenging times like these. It’s disheartening when a platform like YouTube limits us from sharing Dr. Morse’s teachings.

  4. I love all your info and insights. It’s good to have you here sharing all of your knowledge and wisdom. Glad you’re not going anywhere.

    • You’re a man of God…. You are sharing your blessed gifts. Thank you! May you be blessed 100 fold! Keep going 💕

  5. Honor Appreciate Love U Dr Morse👑🍃Ur epic ‘n in the right side of history ..
    🙏♥️🕊🤲Thank U & GOD 4Ur platform ..
    corruption’s an understatement .. it’s evil fascist mind control NWO parasitic synthetic biology to enslave Humanity via Transhumanism 😈☄️💪😇♥️🕊

  6. Thank you for your update Dr Morse, and it is very sad the way things are in the world, sending you much love always *Hugs*

  7. Thank you Dr Morse. I didn’t realize you didn’t make the new Liver Detox Chai tea. I bought it before looking at the ingredients. That sucks. I hope they will take it back. I’m always learning from you. I love my Heal All Tea. I drink it every morning. Looking forward to all the new books coming out. Thank you for doing this video on my birthday! I love you Dr Morse! You keep us all focused and on the straight path of truth!

  8. Thank you Dr Morse sadly the NWO Agenda 21/30 is removing everyone or anyone who stands in their way Censorship dictatorship & tyranny will be our future unless people unite and wake up .The clock is ticking our health is our wealth and we are all under attack from their satanic evil .( Demon = on meds keep us sick dumb and enslaved .Our food water and air are mostly toxic GMO 5G Nano graphine jabs plus they want to ban all herbs vitamins and minerals and good people like yourself are being banned .Keep up the good work and bless you and other freedom fighters .

  9. Thanks for the update Dr Morse. The censorship of truth continues to accelerate…very sad.

  10. Thanks for letting us know about the black pepper in one of the products. How do we know which products with Dr. Morse’s name on it actually his formulas and which ones are Western’s?

  11. Thanks for letting us know about the black pepper in one of the products. How do we know which products with Dr. Morse’s name on it actually his formulas and which ones are Western’s?

  12. Hi Dr. Morse and staff.
    Thank you for this video. I did not realize the Liver detox Chai formula was not yours. Thank you for that information.
    Thank you and your staff for all you do. God brought you to me and I feel so blessed. I hope to eventually enroll in your school. We need many people to spread your truth Dr. Morse. God Bless you, your practice, your school and your staff. You are the light of truth in this dark world. Thank you for not going anywhere. You are a gift from God!

  13. It’s unfortunate that the system have copyright on many words like, cancer. Making claims of healing it causes issues legally. Also, words have a huge impact on the mind, like, Cure… I would Cure a ham to preserve it for later, so, using certain words can cause reactions physically and spiritually at times unknowingly.
    Government, Govern- to turn/control, Ment- Mental/Mind…. Mind Control.
    Glad to see you all making a great stride to bring knowledge to us all and adapting professionally. Blessings!

  14. That’s so cool I can still watch you here. I have not understood why your channel was gone. That’s sad. Maybe it’s time for a new platform to emerge… I have see some other good channels banned too.

    • Hey Michael,

      We appreciate your kind words and continued support. It’s indeed a challenging time. Rest assured we’re exploring all possible avenues where we can share Dr. Morse’s teachings without censorship.

  15. GOOD MORNING DR MORSE wow so blessed my friend found you on Tic Tok
    re the skin and kidneys

  16. I found you! I just found you 3 weeks ago. can’t loose you know. I’m on fruit and my candida symptoms have cleared. flushing liver now because my anger. thank you for your knowledge.

  17. Hi Robert & all,

    You have provided such a tremendous treasure trove of healing knowledge. YT’s dropping your channel just proves yet again how misunderstood the world is of & contentious towards truth. Eating the correct food for mankind, as you faithfully teach, will resolve our health issues so that we can go forward greater and actually solve the other issues that we as mankind currently have at hand. YT & the obsessively controlling pseudo information
    (in formation) folks censor out truth & at the same time provide only endless red taped up rabbit holes of confusing, unprovable & conflicting theories which of course generally only leaves people without any really worthwhile answers. The only options seemingly available unto the masses perception is to side on a team of any particular theory collecting group. Or one could just step out of their sketchy theory hoarding info control boxes altogether and seek out actually real bona fide solutions that align with truth. All in all in my experience, truth discovery & adherence is way much less stressful than following the destructive deceptive agendas of blind leaders.
    It is a very beautiful thing to be in this experience of discovery of how truly simple it is to return to wellness.
    Takes some time and consistent work but is very simple.
    Thank you so very much Robert for leading, teaching this beautifully simple awesome healing path!
    You rock brother!

    Any of y’ll struggling to get started?

    If you’re feeling down & outta sorts kinda like a broken legged horse.
    There’s no need to worry as you can get right back up by taking this right on course led by Dr. Morse!
    Get up & who knows before long you just possibly may return unto a full on gallop!

    P E A C E ✌️ L O V E 💛 H U G S

    🍊F R U I T 🍊H E R B S 🍊

    F O R E V E R & A L W A Y S

    Todd B

  18. Noooooooooooooooo!!!! I can’t believe you sold your formulas. I was wondering why the website looked so different. I need to write down all the herbs for each formula.

  19. On Rawfigs.com the ability to search through most of Dr.Morses videos by search term was incredible and so useful. Now the timestamps are still there but the videos don’t load since they were connected to official Dr. Morse youtube channel. I wish you could implement this search feature on one of your official Dr. Morse websites! This is so lifesaving. I’m sure Rawfigs.com and Grapegate.com (Dr. Robert Morse’s timestamps were created by Nichlas Brandon from Grapegate.com) will help you with this if you contact them!

    The second is, if the herb formulas have been sold. I think it’s a good idea to create a book with all the official and original Dr. Morse formulas so that the community has a reference and record of the original.

    God Bless you Robert for all you have done helping people help themselves!

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