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Strap yourselves in guys - the Oracle has Spoken! In this super-short video I'll reveal our Pandemic Future - 2025 is the year to watch!
the last plandemic happened 2 months after it was simulated. I think the same time line will apply not 2025. Also they said that polio would be rampant on young children this will drive parents to accepting any vaccine. What will be availible? It just happens that KillBill has been buying all the worlds patents to polio so i’m suer he will only allow his new mrna treatment and the duped parents will beg Billy for a shot only to find it’s the shot that will give their precious children polio. Once again Billyboy wins. So much for karma.
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This is a wonderful channel and resourse for humanity. We all need to be extremely aware and mindful as we raise our vibrations to help each other overcome this global evil of greedy corruptors. Yay Elon exposing Twitter, keep it going!
Thanks so much to all contributors!
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
the last plandemic happened 2 months after it was simulated. I think the same time line will apply not 2025. Also they said that polio would be rampant on young children this will drive parents to accepting any vaccine. What will be availible? It just happens that KillBill has been buying all the worlds patents to polio so i’m suer he will only allow his new mrna treatment and the duped parents will beg Billy for a shot only to find it’s the shot that will give their precious children polio. Once again Billyboy wins. So much for karma.
This is a wonderful channel and resourse for humanity. We all need to be extremely aware and mindful as we raise our vibrations to help each other overcome this global evil of greedy corruptors. Yay Elon exposing Twitter, keep it going!
Thanks so much to all contributors!