If you are in crisis or any other person is in danger, please contact your local emergency services.
The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
Great video & very informative. Great job Dr.Morse
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Extremy informative video.Supreme talk Dr.Morse.Thanx Robert my dear son for sending g me this video‼️♥️
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😘🙌I Love how GOD created our bodies to heal🍍🍇🙌♥️🙌🍋🍊🍉 thanks for teaching us this!
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Awesome video Not JUST about cancer but about how our bodies & systems work which we ALL need to really understand… and Dr Morse explains it and it DOES make sense. Have a lady friend who diagnosed with cancer and did chemo for 6 months & NO PROGRESS then changed to radiation…………. not good. I feel for her and in hospital & fractured hip too now and low energy & pain…. Doesn’t want to hear about eating fruits,berries, melons…. brainwashed into thinking that all fruit sugar is bad and cancer causing… ho hum…. THIS IS POWERFUL information and as explained it makes total sense to NEVER see MD doctors … when their only resource is DRUGS & chemo… which NEVER deal with causes… only removing the symptom with MORE toxic substances…This was a GREAT video
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Dr. Morse how do you explain the immortality of cancer cell lines?
Thank you.
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Hi Hannah,
We recommend sending that question to [email protected] for a chance to get it answered by Dr. Morse. 🙂
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Great video. Just got diagnosed with colon cancer. Wondering if a diet in fruits,berries and melons can remove a tumor or does it just help to prevent future tumors. Thanks for any feedback.
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Hello Brian,
Here’s some information on how you can get help:
For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to his DrMorse.tv website, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.
If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:
You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
If you are in crisis or any other person may be in danger, please refer to the Resources for Crisis & Immediate Help page or contact your local emergency services: https://www.betterhelp.com/gethelpnow/
no one breaks it down like you. I love you and your videos and the gift of the knowledge of healing that you have given this world. May the blessings be 💚
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Great Video and a Very important one 🙂
Great video & very informative. Great job Dr.Morse
Extremy informative video.Supreme talk Dr.Morse.Thanx Robert my dear son for sending g me this video‼️♥️
😘🙌I Love how GOD created our bodies to heal🍍🍇🙌♥️🙌🍋🍊🍉 thanks for teaching us this!
Awesome video Not JUST about cancer but about how our bodies & systems work which we ALL need to really understand… and Dr Morse explains it and it DOES make sense. Have a lady friend who diagnosed with cancer and did chemo for 6 months & NO PROGRESS then changed to radiation…………. not good. I feel for her and in hospital & fractured hip too now and low energy & pain…. Doesn’t want to hear about eating fruits,berries, melons…. brainwashed into thinking that all fruit sugar is bad and cancer causing… ho hum…. THIS IS POWERFUL information and as explained it makes total sense to NEVER see MD doctors … when their only resource is DRUGS & chemo… which NEVER deal with causes… only removing the symptom with MORE toxic substances…This was a GREAT video
Dr. Morse how do you explain the immortality of cancer cell lines?
Thank you.
Hi Hannah,
We recommend sending that question to [email protected] for a chance to get it answered by Dr. Morse. 🙂
Great video. Just got diagnosed with colon cancer. Wondering if a diet in fruits,berries and melons can remove a tumor or does it just help to prevent future tumors. Thanks for any feedback.
Hello Brian,
Here’s some information on how you can get help:
For the best chance of getting a response directly from Dr. Morse in a future video uploaded to his DrMorse.tv website, please fill out the health inquiry form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Alternatively, you can email your question to: [email protected]
⚠️ NOTE: We receive a large volume of questions and Dr. Morse isn’t able to answer all of them. If you have an urgent issue, see below for other options to get help.
If you wish to work with a Dr. Morse-trained practitioner, you can schedule a consultation with or find a counselor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Detox Center website: https://morseshealthcenter.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner
You can also give our Health Center a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
If you are in crisis or any other person may be in danger, please refer to the Resources for Crisis & Immediate Help page or contact your local emergency services: https://www.betterhelp.com/gethelpnow/
1) Getting Started: https://morseshealthcenter.com/start/
2) Frequently asked questions: https://jo.my/faq-gg
3) Use the upper-right search icon on Dr. Morse TV: https://morses.tv/
no one breaks it down like you. I love you and your videos and the gift of the knowledge of healing that you have given this world. May the blessings be 💚