Dr. Morse Q&A - Tumor, Iridology, Large Disc Herniation, Pancreatitis and More #742


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Toggle Description and Timestamps

00:00:00 - Intro
00:08:05 - Tumor
00:24:22 - Iridology
00:30:55 - Large Disc Herniation
00:39:09 - Mild Acute Pancreatitis


00:08:05 - Tumor
A hole opened in her body and I thought a tumor would come out but so far nothing is coming out.

0024:22 - Iridology
Follow-up on Reese who has full body eczema, all lymph nodes swollen and doesn't sleep.

00:30:55 - Large Disc Herniation
What's the best approach to detoxify and regenerate so that my spine can heal a herniated disc?

00:39:09 - Mild Acute Pancreatitis
I've had no gallbladder for 25 years. I've just been diagnosed with suggested mild acute pancreatitis. How can I get rid of this forever?

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  1. Dr Morse I need your help please i hate the physical I hate it i am eating only fruit from today and not stopping, i want to ascend out of here, i read some of Paul Twitchells writings and it’s like Chinese for the most part to me I don’t get it, please can you do a video in specific detail of the process of getting to the final point of the whatever this all is, why am I here, am I God if I am God how come I can’t just end this confusion, hearing I’m here to learn but If im god why would I need to come here to learn anything, I’m so lost, I know my true self is love I feel that, I’m a 20 year old Male from Newcastle North Ireland and I was in a mental hospital for 6 months, from drug induced psychosis, I had it for about 4 years before I actually went in to the psych ward. I am off drugs now and I will do the fruit now for the rest of my life to get the answers, the longest I done was 5 days I had incredible energy but this wasn’t long enough for the popping out of my body so I’m doing it now til I get some answers but again I read Paul Twitchells writings and he says the astral ain’t nothing so answers I want are beyond that I guess I don’t know, mannn I don’t know I’m so lost. Then there’s the scary stuff I might see wherever I go wherever I end up if I leave my body for the first time and I have this feeling it’s all me it’s all my own mind or creation but it’s so intricate that I may feel it’s something separate from me, but then there are stuff separate surely when you talk about greys and reptilians and stuff or is that me, I don’t get any of this, pure consciousness once I reach it I heard you say then you understand why there’s creation at allll, and I’m like okay so I am the all I got bored so I created all this but why would I create evil entities evil things. I know I have to go through a journey to find all this out and i haven’t done the fruit yet to be fair now so I can’t sit here and say I won’t get the answers I need so I’ll keep on the fruit and see where it goes, and I hope hope hope I learn what this all is

    • Read the Bible. Find God. We are NOT “Gods”, but we ALL come FROM “God”. Hey man, you’re 20!! I wish I had the revelations you are having now when I was 20!! Stick with the fruits as much as you can…fast as much as you can. Allow your body to heal from within, but, also, feed your mind and spirit with the word of God. I am 42 and finally realized this last Nov. 1. We came here TO learn, but also to understand from WHOM we came from 😉

      This 3D realm is ran by satan…it seems you’ve acknowledged that in some way, so leave “the world” behind and seek God. I was once told this and said “yeah, right…ok, that’s nonsense”….but, when I did it, it all made sense!!

      p.s. You’ve found Morse…so, again, at only 20 you are FAR better off than most your age on this planet, my friend!!

    • Hybrids or shape shifters are not created by us, but Reptilians, Dracos, Grays. On this topic you can listen to Gene Decode or Phil Schneider.
      Most of these demons have been killed by now in underground tunnels.

    • We live in a binary state here, without evil there would be no good; left and right, light and darkness.

    • What is it your really Hating??? Any way you can star A forgiving protocol or journaling?? Forgiving your self and any things peoples or life times??mabe add in flower essences??,soak in epson salt s do you pray? 🙏 or meditate? Call in your higher self n soul were it may have gotten lost ?? Traumas or??times scarcity’s ,, losses etc, drugs can rip tears in your veil lettin in other things you may h as ve gotten spooked out or they r messing with ya , gotta clear that a lot sometimes,, peaceful headlings to Yu💫🙏🫖

    • Just sayin , to Pete there r soulretival special ist out there that will help you retrieve your damaged or loss parts of your souls ,, this iIS why sum masters teach ers or guides say do not break the viels with substances , karma and damage can be not so fun ,, peace

    • hiya, far as i can tell its all living. be in the now as much as you possibly can. stay humble. humility will help you see any aspects of yourself to clean and clear so the (living) experience becomes more bearable. its all a process. u could focus on such as what you have mentioned. yet where your attention goes energy flows. stay here in the now. stay whole, be grounded, know you are love. let it come from within. 🤍 let go and witness 🤍 love 🤍

  2. Hi,
    Remember that you are the power. You have complete control over your experience. The state you dwell in is ultimately going to be what you experience. The physical world is a reflection of your dominant thoughts and feelings and what you believe to be true. Meditation is so amazing. If you just sit quietly, breathe and observe your thoughts and feelings , don’t try to stop them. Your mind will eventually calm down and you can get the answers. You do not need to be on a fruit diet to do that, anyone can do it at anytime.

  3. Thank you Dr. Morse and team for your great work .
    Please can you put back marks in the video where Dr. Morse starts talking about individual cases ? It really helps with research and study.
    Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving :o)))

    • We’re grateful for your message, Sue. Dr. Morse is healing up well, big hugs from him to you!

  4. …America didn’t save the planet. Sorry to say. Don’t fall for the controlled opposition right wing nonsense. The ones in power control BOTH sides. Leftists do their things OVERTLY…and carry out the elites agenda. The righties do their things COVERTLY….and carry out the elites agenda just the same. I know it’s hard to come to this truth that BOTH sides lie to you…but, they do. All I will say is find God. Trump is not a saviour, he is a zio-jesuit puppet…all puppetdents have been related except Van Buren…what does that tell you?! Two wings of the same bird.

    • Sorry, I think you are wrong but either way we are all about to find out whether we have been had.. The fact that the Cabal runs both sides of the ‘main players’ in our society does not mean there are no ‘good guys’; we just have to learn who they are and how they operate. The problem with your stance of the debate, imo, is that you make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bath water.. As a Trump/Kennedy supporter I have to wonder, if Trump is controlled opposition, why did he bother waking up the Sheeple at all. The very problem was in fact that there were too many Blue Pills and they were not listening to those that were Red pilled. So why start a Revolution, the masses were heading to extinction, the NWO did not have to implement a counter plan, they already had it in the bag. Does not sound like a smart strategy to wake the enemy and install controlled opposition. I don’t think anyone believes Trump to be ‘the Saviour’ least of all him. However, we know the Lord sends imperfect people who are perfect for a particular job the Bible is clear on that.

      • You have no clue about the problem we face and what we are up against.


  5. ….RFK won’t do ANYTHING. Another puppet playing his role. I get it though, we didn’t want the OVERTLY left wing “soft” communism to win in the U.S. But the answer is NOT the right winning, lol. They move COVERTLY. I cannot believe the level of control this left v. right paradigm has…even on you Morse!! Don’t get me wrong, you are the TRUTH when it comes to actual health…but keep the politricks out because you’ll feel blindsided when the elites plans play out just the same with Donald.

  6. Ok Dr, M , master papa soul travel in , must of been a yogi mahaney kinda guru with long long hair antenna haha 😆 I wok this morning in awake dream and a thought came thro a protocol for u,,, we get to choose our drug of choice to like being here for more minutes or two ya,, Jasmin purple’s light caffeine sweet teas sweetnd with a stevia or non,, and. A raw Indian cqazien..non cooked but sun 🌞 RA liven electric , Indians yes 🙌 with lots of luv divinely bake from sun and godgoddes divin ,,luv ya thnx for ckn on me…🙏💫😘

  7. Dr Morse said in the last video that red beet juice is not good for our kidney. Can somebody tell me why?

  8. Bless you Dr. Morse!
    I love you!
    Please speak to excessive breast growth. I am 61, post menopause about 7 years. No menopausal symptoms (knock on wood)
    Athelete since 14. Lean , muscular, light menstral cycle. Runner.
    Always hard on lymphatic system with high intensity and weight exercise. Stressful life…🫤
    Now struggling for about 5 years.
    My body has masses, cysts, tumors.
    Hyperplasia of left adrenal. Breast masses. Excessive lumpy cord like fat deposits all over.
    My thin lean muscular running legs are beginning to look stumpy.
    No doctors can help. Thyroid in normal limits.
    Been predominantly vegan for over 15 years. Started adding some chkn and fish bc My muscle loss and fat deposits.
    Cysts in kidney as well. Oh please help!!!🥺
    I want to run one more marathon which my body could not do right now.
    Where Do I begin ?

    • Hello Gina,

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  9. Dr Morse, thank you I’ve tried the grape fast and it was AMAZING! You are right this is the time for change RFK was previously tasked with overseeing the Children’s Defense ministry and he really brought the truth to the forefront. The C D C had a secret meeting in 2001 called Simpsonwood many top experts around the world were flown In, to find out why a big jump in illness in children and they determined casual link. I think most people know the cause at this point ! Anyhow we went from three v ax to seventy two va x . They figured out the cause they didn’t do anything about it for ten years. Pluto has moved out of Capricorn and has gone into Aquarius this is time for humanity to move forward….to evolve. It will remain there for many years to come

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