Dr. Morse Q&A - Breathing Issues, Detox Questions, Vaccine Issues, Skin and More #729


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00:04:45 - Breathing Issues
00:22:31 - Detox Questions
00:34:40 - Skin - Vaccine


00:04:45 - Breathing Issues
In particular while eating, I need to take deep breaths.

00:22:31 - Detox Questions
Any fruit I should be eating to not lose more weight and to tone?

00:34:40 - Skin - Vaccine
Since the vaccine, I had ongoing extreme skin sensitivity, burns, dryness, eczema and even large pimples on my scalp.

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  1. How can someone see the body and nature holistically and then be behind a man like trump. Makes no sense. Makes you question everything he says now. If the environment we need to be in is chemical free, free of toxins, fruit that’s ripe, healthy clean environment, as he promotes, then why would someone at the helm who doesn’t give a crap about any kind of environment be a wise choice. It’s insanity. The guy is capable of nuking the planet, and all of us on it. What’s the point in even talking about health and food if the end result will be putting narcissists and psychopaths at the helm of the planet. It’s short sighted. I don’t get it.

    • Hi Graham,

      We hear the passion in your message and understand the complexity of these issues. It’s challenging to see inconsistencies in the world, especially when it comes to values we hold dear.

      Ultimately, Dr. Morse’s teachings emphasize the power we have to create positive change in our own lives and, by extension, the world around us. Focusing on what we can control – our diets, lifestyles, and our connection with nature – can be a powerful act in itself.

      Our community is diverse, and many different viewpoints exist within it. While we may not always agree on everything (and we shouldn’t have to), we can likely find common ground in our shared desire for a healthier future.

      The choice to disregard everything Dr. Morse shares based on a political disagreement is ultimately yours to make, but we appreciate your perspective.

    • EZ Graham… You don’t throw out the baby with the bath water and don’t mix politics and health. We already know about these PARASITES in govt and I’m talking about the so-called LEADERS. They are CORRUPT/NARCISSISTIC parasites. President Chump as I call him is a ZIO of the worst kind and the Chumptards are just as bad as the libtard and neo-cons. Chump is not capable of nuking the planet because he and no other president EVER has the power to do ANYTHING. They are only PUPPETS being told what to do.

      You are FREE to not listen to Dr. M and you will only be hurting yourself.

      The point of talking about health & food is that “if” end of the world doesn’t happen your health could have gotten COMPROMISED in that period you decided to do nothing.

      Just saying

    • You may want to double check your assumptions about Trump’s policies regarding the environment, not sure why you believe he doesn’t ‘give a crap’. Is there something specific? And I’m not sure how Trump would be more likely to “nuke the planet” as he started No New Wars, had a great start to bringing Peace in the Middle East, de-escalating tensions between China-Taiwan, Iran-Turkey and U.S. – North Korea, China, Russia. Democrats have been in charge 12 of the last 16 years, if you have a complaint, you may want to talk to them…

    • im in ireland. i genuinely dont care what his politics is. what he holds dear, he holds dear and it doesnt seem like he holds onto much. his love, his will to do good, his endless giving is priceless. 🤍

    • Graham
      The fact that you don’t understand the difference between a vote for Trump and a vote for Harris shows that you are not a spiritual person. The end times are near-er and a vote for Harris speeds up that train for sure. You may not think that Trump is a Godly man but rest assured that God picks our leaders according to his time, that being said, I vote to prolong the end times with a vote for Trump, if it is at all possible that I have a say. Anyone who lets millions of people from other nations cross their borders without a care for the people inside those borders and those citizens livelihood simply doesn’t care about the people. Anyone who sets up a mobile abortion clinic outside their convention center doesn’t care about the people. Anyone who helps a child mutilate their bodies when those people know a child cannot fully understand their choices at a young age and fights the parent of that child, to do the dirty deed doesn’t care about the people. These are evil people and those who know God can see that clearly.

    • Perhaps because he is now linked with Kennedy who is super knowledgeable and for all things health and environmental? 🤔

    • hi mate, I too share the same sentiments about all of these political candidates who don the tiny hat and bow to the same wall and masters. Some are too quick to forget who brought project warpspeed.
      However, no single mind contains all of the answers. Morse has a wealth of knowledge and experience in healing with nature. it would be unwise to discount his 50 years of wisdom regarding health.

  2. I am shocked with all these individuals who are suffering with Trump Deranged Syndrome. It’s truly sad to see how many still are indoctrinated by the cabal’s own mainstream media. Heads stuck in liberal bubble and believing everything what is on tv, including controlled opposition Fox News. Truly sad, they have no any ideas about the reality of our world. Examples includes the New World Order globalists plan, Agenda 21, pollution of our environment by chemtrails, depopulation plans ( Covid vaccines, wars startups), child trafficking, pedo&helia, dumbs- undergrounds, adren&chrome, bio-labs, HAARP, cloud setting- geo-engineering, weather manipulations so they can claim “global warming”and toxins like fluoride in our water, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals in our food supply.
    Our government, mostly democrats and republican “rinos” are all involved in this. The deep state is in it and the media is their narrative propaganda. President Trump is NOT part of their Illuminati agenda club and so President Kennedy wasn’t as well and we know what happened to him and what they tried to do to President Trump. Very few presidents never went to Bohemian Grove in California and Trump is one of them. If not part of the “club” therefore they are all determined to destroy him and that’s what we have been seeing. He is not part of the dark cabal secret society plans and some individuals still NOT making this connection. Just now Robert Kennedy endorsed Trump, no one ever seen anything like this before.
    I truly LOVE and admire Dr Morse for speaking the truth about everything. You are undoubtedly serving humanity on this planet and I am sure that God see it. I love listening to your knowledge and positivity.
    Thank you so much Dr Morse ❤️🙏❤️

  3. The vaccines are a different beast on their own and they were not all the same. They produce some bloodclots that are like rubber (so they are not really bloodclots) and they cut circulation producing that black stuff and later on they will want to amputate. Idk how this clots are detectable but removing them is a hard surgery.

  4. I also wanted to say that I watched every Dr. Morse video 8 years ago and followed his practices for 5 years. I feel like it has helped to keep my young(58) and I go back to his teachings whenever I feel I need to clean up my health. I LOVE Dr. Morse and I think you look younger then ever even though I haven’t watched for the past 2 years. Keep up the good Godly work Dr. Morse, you are amazing.

    • We’re touched by your loyalty to Dr. Morse’s teachings. Thank you for being on this journey with us, Susanne! ❤️


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