If you are in crisis or any other person is in danger, please contact your local emergency services.
The captions in videos on Morses.TV are the output of automatic audio transcribing. Although the captions are largely accurate, in some cases they may be incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. The captions are included only as an aid.
The video quality & sound quality is great in this video! Good job camera man!
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Ive been following you for years and i must say todays show was fabulous!…a really nice summation of processes in a concise format. op notch healer you are dr Morse…I am forever greatful for you. Much love and light to you. xoxo
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beautiful picture and beautiful sound with a beautiful God sent soul ❤️
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your videos inspire me so much Dr M!! they for sure are very helpful and keep me going strong! I always get a big smile on my face when I see you have out a new video
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you are a fabulous healer and teacher (and human!). But I urge you to research your ‘atomistic’ views – its not atoms that are recycled – its energy – vibrations in the aether. There is no such thing as an atom – its a useful MODEL but not accurate explanation. Your concept is correct but its vibrations not atoms that are exchanged and recycled. Peace and love brother.
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I need help i am suffering from nerve damage from a trauma in my male reproductive area and I am suffering with loss of sensation and numbnmess.
please help! im willing to do anything.
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I see your secret message on your Glandular Junction website!!!! Love It!!! and love the website
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very good as always!
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Wait…Nestle? The history of that company is horrid~from the push of the formulas in other countries & the cover ups~the false advertising telling mothers it was better than breast milk~the C.E.O. Saying water is not a human right!?! Just curious if you where collaborating with that company? Or why where you there? To speak about the formulation being harmful? I was surprised to hear you say that? Tysm for everything you do Dr M🙏🏻
Error happened.
Can someone please help me with what my first step should be, I have type 2 diabetes, I’ve had 5 spine surgeries (1 failed fusion/revision, several herniated disk repair) hip replacement at age 39(other hip needs replacement) , I have what I’m told is dercums (multiple painful lypoma) guess I don’t need to say chronic pain but I will ! Neuropathy, radicular pain issue, copd, and had hep c but supposedly it’s in remission after treatment with interferon 🙄🥴, needless to say I’m literally dying slowly
Error happened.
Hi Robert. It had been a while since I had listened to your Q & A’s because after a while you really get the fundamentals and then it’s just copy paste after that. You do great work and really appreciate you for what you have accomplished.
I do want to clarify this whole ‘virus’ question. I was surprised to hear you talk about viruses like they were real, which means that you either didn’t hear about the evidence presented by dr. Stefan Lanka, dr. Kaufman, dr Tom Cowan, and the Baileys to name a few, or you disagree with them, in which case I would be interested to hear your arguments. Looking forward to your response.
Error happened.
Hi Antonio,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video regarding viruses, please email your message: questions@drmdc.health
Error happened.
How can a TI individual ((targeted) heal if they keep tournaments and waves of radiation burning you?? Mental abuse etc.
Error happened.
Hello Elizabeth,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
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Just a little suggestion; the sound is great but I would “float” the mike on a stand instead of the current desk stand to avoid the sound when Robert hits the desk with his hand. Nice camera work though and the picture is definitely better as well, thank you!
Error happened.
Hi Douglas, could you email your fabulous feedback about the audio to info@drmdc.health?
Thank you!
Error happened.
Am I being stupid or is there any way to pause the video?
Error happened.
Hello Gregor,
If on a PC, just hover your mouse over the video then you’ll see the player controls including a play/pause button.
Error happened.
Sure, I’ll email it to that address right now but WHY am I doing this? Aren’t you all connected on that side already? Just asking…seems kind of ridiculous but I am doing it anyway. Perhaps your email client does not allow you to FORWARD messages? It’s fine though, just a little mind bending is all! Thanks for all your efforts and please keep those videos coming! I have LOTS of valuable information to share with Dr. Morse related to something more along the lines of operating LAWFULLY in the course of BUSINESS and COMMERCE. Aloha!
Error happened.
I am really looking forward to your new book! Please let me know when it’s available, am willing to pay for the best information you have 🙂
Error happened.
I believe nature provided everything we need for nutrition and cleansing in our food. Supplements are isolates and harmful because they throw your body out of balance. That is one of the reasons why drugs are harmful because they are isolates and not even food. Eat whole foods in their natural raw state if possible.
Error happened.
Wow, I have the numbness thing. It’s disturbing to wake up in the night with a numb hand.
And yes, my gut must be really dirty. Wow. What a great answer. Thank you so much dear, dear Dr. Morse.
Started a fruit only diet, mostly juice. Wish me luck!!
And does anyone know of a good raw food support group – not Facebook?
Error happened.
Ojoj, you can’t set automatic translation to other languages on that videos.
When I had symptoms of low B12 . I asked the dr if this could be low B12, he said I am to young to be deficient. I insisted on having test. The results cam with bold letter “with this level B12 you could experience psychological, neurological and psychiatric symptoms”. I take B12 shouts and feel great. I read that after 60 people do not produce special enzyme in last 18″ of small intestine that is necessary for our body to make this vitamin. I know very young person who was severely deficient. So, why drs dismiss possibility of low B12 , why not to test? Who has digestive system in perfect condition????
Error happened.
Is there a test for adrenal gland function ?
Error happened.
Do you drink coffee? what happens to your energy when you don’t take stimulants, that should answer your adrenal question pretty fast
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
The video quality & sound quality is great in this video! Good job camera man!
Ive been following you for years and i must say todays show was fabulous!…a really nice summation of processes in a concise format. op notch healer you are dr Morse…I am forever greatful for you. Much love and light to you. xoxo
beautiful picture and beautiful sound with a beautiful God sent soul ❤️
your videos inspire me so much Dr M!! they for sure are very helpful and keep me going strong! I always get a big smile on my face when I see you have out a new video
you are a fabulous healer and teacher (and human!). But I urge you to research your ‘atomistic’ views – its not atoms that are recycled – its energy – vibrations in the aether. There is no such thing as an atom – its a useful MODEL but not accurate explanation. Your concept is correct but its vibrations not atoms that are exchanged and recycled. Peace and love brother.
I need help i am suffering from nerve damage from a trauma in my male reproductive area and I am suffering with loss of sensation and numbnmess.
please help! im willing to do anything.
I see your secret message on your Glandular Junction website!!!! Love It!!! and love the website
very good as always!
Wait…Nestle? The history of that company is horrid~from the push of the formulas in other countries & the cover ups~the false advertising telling mothers it was better than breast milk~the C.E.O. Saying water is not a human right!?! Just curious if you where collaborating with that company? Or why where you there? To speak about the formulation being harmful? I was surprised to hear you say that? Tysm for everything you do Dr M🙏🏻
Can someone please help me with what my first step should be, I have type 2 diabetes, I’ve had 5 spine surgeries (1 failed fusion/revision, several herniated disk repair) hip replacement at age 39(other hip needs replacement) , I have what I’m told is dercums (multiple painful lypoma) guess I don’t need to say chronic pain but I will ! Neuropathy, radicular pain issue, copd, and had hep c but supposedly it’s in remission after treatment with interferon 🙄🥴, needless to say I’m literally dying slowly
Hi Robert. It had been a while since I had listened to your Q & A’s because after a while you really get the fundamentals and then it’s just copy paste after that. You do great work and really appreciate you for what you have accomplished.
I do want to clarify this whole ‘virus’ question. I was surprised to hear you talk about viruses like they were real, which means that you either didn’t hear about the evidence presented by dr. Stefan Lanka, dr. Kaufman, dr Tom Cowan, and the Baileys to name a few, or you disagree with them, in which case I would be interested to hear your arguments. Looking forward to your response.
Hi Antonio,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video regarding viruses, please email your message: questions@drmdc.health
How can a TI individual ((targeted) heal if they keep tournaments and waves of radiation burning you?? Mental abuse etc.
Hello Elizabeth,
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Alternatively, you can email your question to: questions@drmdc.health
If you need more personalized help, you may also schedule a consultation with or find a counsellor via:
1) Dr. Morse’s Detox Centers website: https://drmorsesdetoxcenters.com/
2) GrapeGate’s international practitioner directory: https://jo.my/find-practitioner/
You can also give our office a call (Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time):
📞 +1 (941) 255-1970
1) Frequently asked questions: https://jo.my/faq-gg
2) Informational Health & Emergency Documents: https://jo.my/health-docs-gg
3) Health search engine – see if Dr. Morse has previously discussed your topic/condition: http://www.rawfigs.com/
Just a little suggestion; the sound is great but I would “float” the mike on a stand instead of the current desk stand to avoid the sound when Robert hits the desk with his hand. Nice camera work though and the picture is definitely better as well, thank you!
Hi Douglas, could you email your fabulous feedback about the audio to info@drmdc.health?
Thank you!
Am I being stupid or is there any way to pause the video?
Hello Gregor,
If on a PC, just hover your mouse over the video then you’ll see the player controls including a play/pause button.
Sure, I’ll email it to that address right now but WHY am I doing this? Aren’t you all connected on that side already? Just asking…seems kind of ridiculous but I am doing it anyway. Perhaps your email client does not allow you to FORWARD messages? It’s fine though, just a little mind bending is all! Thanks for all your efforts and please keep those videos coming! I have LOTS of valuable information to share with Dr. Morse related to something more along the lines of operating LAWFULLY in the course of BUSINESS and COMMERCE. Aloha!
I am really looking forward to your new book! Please let me know when it’s available, am willing to pay for the best information you have 🙂
I believe nature provided everything we need for nutrition and cleansing in our food. Supplements are isolates and harmful because they throw your body out of balance. That is one of the reasons why drugs are harmful because they are isolates and not even food. Eat whole foods in their natural raw state if possible.
Wow, I have the numbness thing. It’s disturbing to wake up in the night with a numb hand.
And yes, my gut must be really dirty. Wow. What a great answer. Thank you so much dear, dear Dr. Morse.
Started a fruit only diet, mostly juice. Wish me luck!!
And does anyone know of a good raw food support group – not Facebook?
Ojoj, you can’t set automatic translation to other languages on that videos.
When I had symptoms of low B12 . I asked the dr if this could be low B12, he said I am to young to be deficient. I insisted on having test. The results cam with bold letter “with this level B12 you could experience psychological, neurological and psychiatric symptoms”. I take B12 shouts and feel great. I read that after 60 people do not produce special enzyme in last 18″ of small intestine that is necessary for our body to make this vitamin. I know very young person who was severely deficient. So, why drs dismiss possibility of low B12 , why not to test? Who has digestive system in perfect condition????
Is there a test for adrenal gland function ?
Do you drink coffee? what happens to your energy when you don’t take stimulants, that should answer your adrenal question pretty fast
This was very helpful. Thank you Dr. Morse.