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TPC #653 is with Dr. Mattias Desmet, teacher of Mass Formation Psychosis; Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine; and Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published cardio-renal physician in world history.
Much love to you guys. But why do you guys have Robert Malone an admitted “true believer” in vaccines without much pushback? These doctors actually are assuming that C*vid has been isolated! Béchamp is shaking his head! Please do an episode on virus isolation with some people like Dawn Parker and David Lester (writers of “What really makes you ill”), Amandha Vollmer, Alec Zeck or Dr. Sam Bailey. The emperor has no clothes on this one. The faster we see it, the faster all of this illusion dissolves. Get to the truth at the root!
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Much love to you guys. But why do you guys have Robert Malone an admitted “true believer” in vaccines without much pushback? These doctors actually are assuming that C*vid has been isolated! Béchamp is shaking his head! Please do an episode on virus isolation with some people like Dawn Parker and David Lester (writers of “What really makes you ill”), Amandha Vollmer, Alec Zeck or Dr. Sam Bailey. The emperor has no clothes on this one. The faster we see it, the faster all of this illusion dissolves. Get to the truth at the root!
Here is a video to check out on the topic.
Response to Dr McCullough, Dr Malone, and Dr Cole’s SARS CoV 2 Claims: