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Dr Morse,
Thank you for getting the message out about the baby food shortage. I think Bill Gates wants babies to drink his formula. Well, my understanding is Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population. Any advice he has to offer, I will pass on.
I would recommend Mama’s Milk and fruit juice. Do you have a recommendation for fruit for babies?
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Hi Aaron!
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please also email your question to: ✉️ [email protected] 🙂
Merci Dr. Morse.
Always appreciate your input and information.
Error happened.
Dr Morse I was singing your baby formula on YouTube. Said everything on the shelves is shite except your stuff. ❤️
Error happened.
It is criminal, sickening and disgusting what this ignorant and corrupt conventional medical profession is doing to all of humanity, especially babies. The crap these manufactures put in these formulas is very acid forming to babies and cause a whole host of problems to the baby’s
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Dr Morse,
Thank you for getting the message out about the baby food shortage. I think Bill Gates wants babies to drink his formula. Well, my understanding is Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population. Any advice he has to offer, I will pass on.
I would recommend Mama’s Milk and fruit juice. Do you have a recommendation for fruit for babies?
Hi Aaron!
For the best chance of getting a response from Dr. Morse in a future video, please also email your question to: ✉️ [email protected] 🙂
Alternatively, fill out the Ask Dr. Morse TV form here: https://morses.tv/ask/
Merci Dr. Morse.
Always appreciate your input and information.
Dr Morse I was singing your baby formula on YouTube. Said everything on the shelves is shite except your stuff. ❤️
It is criminal, sickening and disgusting what this ignorant and corrupt conventional medical profession is doing to all of humanity, especially babies. The crap these manufactures put in these formulas is very acid forming to babies and cause a whole host of problems to the baby’s