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Very said to see someone saying these things about our great master, Dr Morse.
We all should be always thankful for his life and just follow our own path with his teachings.
Thank you Dr Morse, and thank you all who are helping with the website and all that. Amazing!
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may the morse be with you
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Hi I just want to say I am very confused about Jon Stearn now eating meat because that is how I found Dr.Morse and the fruitarian diet. Why do people go back to eating meat? What about the animals ?
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That explains why just about all professional athletes get injured quite often. They all have high protein diets which are acid forming in cells. After I eat raw ripe fruit, I feel energized and want to exercise but after I eat whole wheat pasta or any animal products, I feel like I want to nap or go to sleep.
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Jon-boy talks trash, but he’s wayyyyyy off. I’m just one example of someone who hasn’t eaten meat in 4 years and I’m 220lbs, train 5 days a week, and feel great. People, you do NOT need meat to maintain or gain muscle.
Any information shared by representatives of "Morses.TV" including (but not limited to) diet, nutritional, herbal, homeopathic, fasting, or any other health modalities, is solely for educational purposes and does not involve or include diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases and should not be considered a substitute for medically necessary diagnostics.
Very said to see someone saying these things about our great master, Dr Morse.
We all should be always thankful for his life and just follow our own path with his teachings.
Thank you Dr Morse, and thank you all who are helping with the website and all that. Amazing!
may the morse be with you
Hi I just want to say I am very confused about Jon Stearn now eating meat because that is how I found Dr.Morse and the fruitarian diet. Why do people go back to eating meat? What about the animals ?
That explains why just about all professional athletes get injured quite often. They all have high protein diets which are acid forming in cells. After I eat raw ripe fruit, I feel energized and want to exercise but after I eat whole wheat pasta or any animal products, I feel like I want to nap or go to sleep.
Jon-boy talks trash, but he’s wayyyyyy off. I’m just one example of someone who hasn’t eaten meat in 4 years and I’m 220lbs, train 5 days a week, and feel great. People, you do NOT need meat to maintain or gain muscle.